Reference no: EM131586235
Assignment: Global Economic Impact of Country of Choice
Initial PowerPoint
You will post your Initial PowerPoint this week. Then continue to work on this Initial PowerPoint and it will become your final PowerPoint.
Length: Initial guideline is 10-14 slides. Use multi-media, handouts, boards, visual aids to enhance your presentation.
Final PowerPoint due midnight Sunday week 8
Introduction: This is a two part assignment. First students are to prepare an initial PowerPoint presentation and then continue to work on this initial PowerPoint for the final PowerPoint assignment in this class. Remember to receive a grade students must upload during this week their initial PowerPoint, receive feedback from the instructor, continue to research and learn more about the topics and add to this Initial PowerPoint for the final PowerPoint assignment. The purpose of the Initial PowerPoint exercise is for you to feature your initial findings.
This is two part assignment: Later in the class, you will expand your PowerPoint to include your interview findings, and additional research gleaned and turn in the expanded version of this initial work in Week 8.
The Initial PowerPoint:
1. Students are to individually prepare a PowerPoint of 10 to 14 slides. Students are to highlight how the changes in culture, politics, cross-border trade and investment have impacted your country of choice.
2. Briefly review the country's economic history, current status, future potential impacts, both internally and globally.
3. Explain in the last slide five to seven advantages and opportunities for your country vis-à-vis growth, expansion, import and export opportunities, positive impact on US economy, etc.
4. Submit your Initial PowerPoint to Blackboard before midnight Monday week 5.
5. You must have at least six references to your text. The Ascent of Money video series, Wall Street Journal, relevant websites, citing using APA within your PowerPoint slides).
6. Submit your Final PowerPoint (which will be expanded to include all subsequent research, readings, video information, etc. to Blackboard before midnight the final night of class.