Briefly reflect on evelyns thesis project and defense

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Reference no: EM132244967

Question 1. Briefly reflect on Evelyn's thesis project and defense in The Shape of Things. Using the course materials, craft a critique Evelyn's thesis project and defense. Your critique should make solid connections with one major ethical theory and James Rachels' "minimum conception of morality." [Hint: You may want to view the entire movie or read the entire play by the same name.]

Question 2. Consider the course material on female excision, Section 2.7 in The Elements of Moral Philosophy, and the related handouts (available on D2L). Do you think that female excision is a morally justified practice? Why or why not? Construct an ethically-informed argument supporting your position.

Question 3. Imagine that you decide to go ice fishing with a family member and your best friend. You all agree to fish on a remote and pristine section of one of the numerous frozen lakes in Ottertail County. Let us say that you decide to go back to your vehicle for more gear when you hear calls for help. At this point, you realize that your family member and your best friend both have fallen through the ice. However, it immediately hits you that you only have time to save one of them, since both are roughly ¼ mile from each other and yourself. You cannot save both. Which one will you save?

What are your ethical justifications for saving the one that you chose to save? Offer an ethical course of action that takes Rachels' "minimum conception of morality" and a comprehensive ethical theory into account.

Question 4. Through predictive analytics companies like Target are able to track, anticipate, and project consumer's purchases. Moreover, they can use those same analytics to determine lifestyle habits within a personal register, without the explicit consent of the consumer. Do you find such practices to be ethical? Why or why not?

Additional information on the Target story can be found at atticle attached:

How Companies Learn Your Secrets By CHARLES DUHIGG

Question 5. Consider the recent effects of the partial government shutdown. In view of the shutdown (27 days and counting), many federal workers still are working, even though they currently are not receiving a paycheck. Transportation Security Administration employees, Department of Homeland Security Employees, members of the United States Coast Guard, and tens of thousands of federal law enforcement officers are directly affected by the government shutdown. Setting aside from the political debate surrounding the shutdown, do you think federal employees whom currently are not receiving a paycheck have an ethical obligation to continue working? Why or why not? Construct an ethically-informed argument in support of your position.

More information on the partial shutdown attached below:

Question 6. Recently, scientists from the Salk Institute in California successfully created a number of human-pig embryos which were intentionally destroyed shortly after their creation. Scientists believe this type of organism, sometimes referred to as a "chimera," may benefit humans by providing a viable source of various donor organs. Using a comprehensive ethical theory from our course texts, argue for or against the creation of such organisms. Additional information on this form of biotechnology attached below

Question 7. Playing off of this year's Great American Think Off question ("To vote or not to vote: does it matter?"), create an argument that demonstrates why we either have an ethical obligation to vote or not have an ethical obligation to vote.

Your essay can (with some editing) be submitted to the actual Think Off to qualify for their grand prize. Additional information about the Think Off attached below:

Question 8. A young woman by the name of Katherine Stone attempted to auction off her "virginity" to the highest bidder. She did so with the intention of helping her family pay for their home which was destroyed in a fire. Her "proposal" has caused such a stir that bids reached upwards of $400,000 dollars. Despite the high sum, do you think that what she is doing is ethical? Offer an ethical defense that makes connections to the course material and the Rachels' texts.

Attachment:- Paper topics first essay ethics.rar

Verified Expert

The Expert has discussed about the ethical considerations of predictive analysis in determining the customers' personal life. It is the forth topic.The writer had also provided some examples in order to establish the view.The study aims to discuss the predictive behavior of the customers and the customer lifestyle, which has been discussed the ethical aspects in mind The examples has been provided in regards to show the strong arguments.

Reference no: EM132244967

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