Briefly introduce and summarize the article

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131600939

Article Critique

Write an article critique on the article uploaded and include the following information:

Briefly introduce and summarize the article,

Identify the author's main points,

Identify the author's intended audience,

Identify specific issues addressed in the article,

Discuss whether the information in the article applies to this course, and

Discuss how the author could expand on the main points.

Your review should be at least two pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. Use APA style when writing your critique. Cite any direct quotes or paraphrases from the article, and include any sources used in your critique in are reference page.

Article : The convenient traveller: using technology to enhance tourism in Papua New Guinea By John Imbal and Lakoa Fitina

Reference no: EM131600939

Questions Cloud

What are some possible negative outcomes of having replaced : What are some possible negative outcomes of having replaced older electromechanical controls with computerized and digitalized controls?
What type of trading arrangement would independent : What type of trading arrangement would an independent United Kingdom have with the EU
At what speed is the ball moving : A photon of red light (wavelength = 690 nm) and a Ping-Pong ball (mass = 2.60 × 10-3 kg) have the same momentum. At what speed is the ball moving?
Spending multiplier to get larger : If the government increased taxes so that consumers had less money to spend, would this cause the spending multiplier to get larger, get smaller, or stay.
Briefly introduce and summarize the article : Briefly introduce and summarize the article, Identify the author's main points, Identify the author's intended audience,
Multiplier process is complete : If overall spending rises by $175 billion and the MPC is .80, what would be the change in national output after the multiplier process is complete?
What is your approximate real return on the investment : According to the Fisher Equation, what is your approximate real return on the investment?
What are some of the factors that affect social mobility : What are some of the factors that affect social mobility? Can these be overcome? Do you think it will change in the future? Why or why not?
What is your percent return on investment : You’re selling it today for $62. What is your percent return on this investment?


Write a Review

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