Briefly explain why you think the fallacies

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Reference no: EM132359781

American Myth

The purpose of this assignment is for you to apply everything you have learned in this course about diversity benefits and challenges, personal attitudes, and their impacts to a personal exploration and re-imagination of a core American myth.Your exploration will be both reflective and researched-based as outlined in the following instructions.

Write an essay (at least 1500 words) with an introduction and a conclusion in which you address the following topics. List any resources used in standard format at the end of your paper.

1. Identify and describe a core myth that you personally relate to as an American. Separation of church and state, the right to bear arms, that all men are created equal, and the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are just a few examples. Note: You may apply the myth specifically to health care, if you wish, but you are not required to do so.

2. Research and explain the origins of the myth, including where it came from and what purpose it was meant to serve.

3. Share examples of symbols, language, institutions, and values that are associated with this myth and your understanding of their cultural importance.

4. State your feelings about this myth. Do you believe in it or reject it? Why? Where did those feelings come from: Parents? School? Life experience?

5. Describe the importance of this myth and your feelings about it to your personal identity.

6. Explain how this myth influences your behavior and shapes your attitudes about others in positive as well as negative ways. Extend your explanation to include how this myth impacts American behaviors and shapes our cultural attitudes about others in positive as well as negative ways. Support your observations about the behaviors of others with statistics.

7. Identify which cultural groups benefit the most and the least from this myth. Compare and contrast some ways in which this myth helps and hurts American society and its members.Support your observations with statistics.

8. Describe how you personally would like to see this myth evolve so that it benefits the greatest number of people and explain your reasoning.

Fallacy Assignment

Step 1: Find one example of a fallacy. Choose one of the articles below. (if the link doesn't work, click Library within Blackboard, then type the title and author name in the search box)

What's the Difference Between Terry and Terri? By Terence Jeffrey
The Organic Difference by ZazelLovén
The Science of Satire by MahzarinBanaji
Arrest Everybody by Jacob Sullum

Step 2:Identify the specific type of fallacy you found in the article.
Label the fallacy as a slippery slope, questionable cause, equivocation, etc. It's possible that you may find more than one fallacy. That's okay. Please explain why you labeled the fallacy/fallacies the way you did. This will require that you briefly summarize the actual argument that contains the fallacy.

Step 3:Briefly explain why you think the fallacies you discovered were committed.
Explain why this type of fallacy is included in the argument. Do you think it was intentional or unintentional?

Your paper should be approximately 1 typed page in length (3-5 paragraphs). Look at the sample paper before beginning.

Policy Presentation Final Assessment

For this final project, you are analyzing a policy and making a presentation to the Board of Directors on how it should be changed. You are presenting the policy to the hospital board, explaining its purpose, the content, how it will be deployed, and any existing problems it might be used to fix. Keep in mind that in most hospitals, the Board is made up of community members, and not medical personnel. Thus, make sure to fully explain electronic information laws and regulations, and why your new policy exists.

To start, find online, one existing hospital policy involving electronic information, EHRs, cut and paste, retention, or any related policy you can find. There are many, but here are some examples:

• University of Toledo EHR Policy
• HealthPoint Medical Record Completion

These are just examples. There are hundreds available on any electronic information topic you choose. It is preferable that you find your own.

Create a PowerPoint presentation with a minimum of 12-15 slides. It must be free of grammatical and spelling errors.At the bottom of each slide, in the "Notes" section, place the content of what you would tell the Board of Directors for each of your slides.Make sure to completely develop each of your ideas-one liners will not get much credit.

You must provide supporting research and include in-text citations either on each slide or in the speaker notes for all facts and non-original ideas. The last slide must be an APA formatted References slide.

Attachment:- Policy Presentation.rar

Verified Expert

The assignment on American Myth presents information on a selected myth in America and a detailed evaluation of this myth.The folklore tradition deals with the existence of fairies and monsters and has been taken into account within the study. On the other hand, the fallacy assignment takes the journal 'Arrest Everybody' into account and presents various fallacies.Additionally, the policy presentation deals with providing information regarding the implementation of an effective policy for better health service in care organisations.

Reference no: EM132359781

Questions Cloud

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Define cultural differences in terms of government structure : You may compare their cultural differences in terms of government structure, religion, natural resources, traditions, or goods and services.
Briefly explain why you think the fallacies : Briefly explain why you think the fallacies you discovered were committed and Describe how you personally would like to see this myth evolve so that it benefits
What is the income from operations : A company reported gross profit of $93,000, total operating expenses of $49,500 and interest income of $3,800. What is the income from operations?
Which problems do they solve and how do they interact : What does 'data virtualization' and 'data integration' technology do? How are they unique?
Discuss the ethical issues that may arise : You are financial director of a large multinational organisation and have been made aware of information about a takeover bid to acquire a competitors firm.
Method cause accusations of discrimination : How can the subjective method cause accusations of discrimination?



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Type your name in the upper-right corner of this page next to Last Name Save your file as a Word document(.docx). Include the term Fallacyand your First Name when saving your file. Example: Fallacy_David.docx Upload your completed document using the Browse button, and then click the Submit button. Points Possible: 35 10 points for summary of fallacy and explanation of your label 20 points for explaining why the fallacy was committed) 5 points for writing level Save your file as a Power Point presentation (.ppt or .pptx) Include the term Policyand your Last Name when saving your file. Example: Policy_Smith.docx Upload your completed document using the Browse button, and then click the Submit button. Points Possible:50 5 points for title and summary/conclusion slides 5 points for 12-15 slides in logical order 20 points for Notes content that clearly presents the policy, explains why it is needed, and what it will accomplish 5 points for consistent, easy to read slide design 5 points for writing mechanics 5 points for references in correct format 5 points for appropriate images or graphics

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