Reference no: EM133811020 , Length: word count:1500
Assignment: Presentation- Multimodality
In this unit, this is not a physical presentation in class or online, but refers to a university assessment category in which material is presented in a non-essay format.
Multimodality Presentation (1500 words)
There are two parts to this assignment.
1. Multimodal text: Create a multimodal text, in the form of a poster, which is based on a children's picture book.
2. Written explanation:
Here you will explain what your multimodal text is trying to convey and the multimodal devices used, drawing on the precise multimodal devices used in your chosen picture book. Find Your Solution Now - Click Here!
1.Multimodal text: Create a multimodal text, in the form of a poster, which is based on a children's picture book.
You are to choose one of these six books:
1. The Island by Armin Greder
2. Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak
3. One Minute's Silence by David Metzenthen and Micheal Camilleri
4. The Great Bear by Libby Gleeson and Armin Greder
5. The Dream of the Thylacine by Margaret Wild
6. Mechanica by Lance Balchin
This poster needs to have the title of the picture book, the author and illustrator, and any images and text that convey some of the key aspects of the story and characters.
Any software or handdrawn. Can also use photocopies/high quality photos of book images.
Must be able to be put into a word doc or pdf to submit to Turnitin (only submit ONE document)
Has pictures and text. Text is minimal.
This poster needs to have the title of the picture book, the author and illustrator, and any images and text that convey some of the key aspects of the story and characters.
Think Multi modality - look at the five semiotic system placemats under Topic 6- visual, linguistic, gestural and spatial (N.B. your poster will focus on the these 4 primarily)
Ask yourself:
1. What are some really good examples of:
The visual semiotic system
The linguistic semiotic system
The gestural semiotic system
The spatial semiotic system
2. How do these semiotic systems work together to create a particular meaning or meanings?
Your poster should showcase the highlights (best/juiciest bits) of the book that really show off how the semiotic systems work together make the reader think or believe certain things.
You need to use images from your book (photocopied, photographed, handrawn, computer drawn etc.)
You can use small text boxes to explain semiotic design elements e.g. a text point that explains how a vector is used to make the girl appear small and insignificant etc.
You can use arrows to show connections between story elements.
You can use a form of numbering so that when you are writing about the poster it is easy to refer to that image e.g. Scene 1, or you could use A, B, C etc.
The poster needs to be attractive in its own right. Heavy on the visual/light on with the written text.
The poster is also a multi modal text.
Apply your understanding of the author/illustrator's use of multimodal devices from the picture book to the poster.
In the essay, then deconstruct and explain how the author/illustrator has used multimodal devices to create the text.
A picture book is a multi modal text.
There are five semiotic systems; each of which have their own design elements as can be seen on the placemats.
Each of these spells out what design choices can be made when creating any text.
Use the Five Semiotic Systems Placemats (on the next few slides - also as a pdf under Topic 6 BBd).
You only select the design elements that are relevant to your picture book - ignore the ones that are not useful.
Generally this is what you are trying to do: Explain what your multimodal text is trying to convey and the multimodal devices you used to create the effect you wanted, drawing on the precise multimodal devices used in your chosen picture book.
Introduce your picture book (title, author and synopsis of story plot).
Briefly explain the meaning of the term semiotic and clearly show that you understand what multimodality is.
Briefly introduce your poster and explain which semiotic systems you have used and how your poster design imitates the specific semiotic systems that are relevant to your picture book (e.g. visual, linguistic, spatial, gestural and audio).
Provide a detailed analysis of how the semiotic systems in your multimodal text (poster) interact to construct meaning. As well as what is on your poster, use the multimodal design elements from the whole book to explain how and why, for example, colour is used in the text.
In short - you are walking us through your poster but also letting us know how these same elements are present in the picture book.
(N.B. audio cannot be represented as a 2 D poster cannot produce sound - however you can represent sound through the visual system by use of text or images- implied semiotic element).
The interaction of two or more semiotic systems to create specific meanings.
This is actually what multimodality is about.
Example: The Red Tree
The linguistic element is - "nobody understands".
Only when the image and the text are looked at
together do we get a sense of the depth of the girl's
The visual elements reinforce and accentuate the girl's feelings of helplessness, isolation, and lack of connection, but the visual also tells us there is hope on the horizon (see the lighter colouring in the background right of the picture).