Briefly explain the five industry categories

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM133064718

Market research and strategy

  1. Briefly explain the five 'megatrends' described in the lecture.
  2. For two of your business ideas identify at least one megatrend that will assist your enterprise.
  3. Explain the difference between strategies of low-cost leadership and differentiation, providing an example of each. For two of your business ideas determine which of these categories they fall into.
  4. Briefly explain the five industry categories.
  5. For two of your business ideas determine which of the the five industry categories the idea relates to and the strategy you will adopt in response.
  6. For these two ideas, define your target market by geography, demographics, season and purchasing patters. For each idea state the customer need (including higher-order needs) and why customers will buy from you.
  7. For each idea identify one low-cost way to test your market assumptions.
  8. According to Baron et al. (2016) what is the relationship between goal difficulty and business performance? How is this related to willpower? What implications does this have for how you should set goals in your business plans?

Reference no: EM133064718

Questions Cloud

How should the plans of entrepreneurs differ : What strategy did you employ, and how might you apply this strategy to overcome rejection in the business world
Determine how much capital would be required : Determine how much capital would be required to start the venture and the most likely source of this capital - describe the main sources of finance
What are the types of HR-motivating practices : What are the types of HR-motivating practices positively correlated with success of SMEs? How can you use the insights of research for your own venture
How will you utilise social media : Create one promotion concept for each of your ideas that you believe would generate free publicity - how will you utilise social media
Briefly explain the five industry categories : Explain the difference between strategies of low-cost leadership and differentiation, providing an example of each. For two of your business ideas determine
Effectively managing change : Identify 4 key leadership qualities/skills needed to successful manage change and explain why that are important.
Leadership landscape to increase personal and professional : Create a leadership landscape to increase personal and professional success. Implement leadership essentials to drive organizational effectiveness.
Employee motivation infographic-types of leadership power : Examines types of leadership power and political factors that enhance culturally diverse teams. Use detailed examples
Prepare journal entries to record issuance of stock options : Prepare journal entries to record issuance of stock options, termination of stock options, exercise of the stock options, and charges to compensation expense


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