Briefly explain the authentication and web security

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM132330023

Create Dynamic Web Pages Project Assignment -


Assessment Description - This assessment assesses the learner's skills and knowledge to create dynamic web pages.

Assessment Instruction -

Part A: Review the technical requirements and create the dynamic webpages.

  • Review the technical requirements.
  • Identify the sections of the website, requiring client-side dynamic content.
  • Identify the sections of the website, requiring server-side dynamic content.
  • Select the appropriate languages and technology to meet the requirements.
  • Create pages using the appropriate languages.
  • Ensure that the code conforms to current industry best practice and standards.

To accomplish Part A: study the website specification, DD_TuscanyRistorant_Website.pdf, provided. To demonstrate your competence in this task, you are required to create the dynamic web pages based from the specification.

Part B: Test the website and demonstrate to the trainer.

  • Test the website in a variety of browsers.
  • Ensure that the required dynamic content functions according to the specified requirements.

Key Requirements - The learner is required to:

  • produce dynamic web pages that include both client and server-side dynamic content.
  • create efficient and effective code to meet technical requirements.
  • test the website and code in a variety of web browsers.


Assessment Description - This assessment assesses the learner's knowledge on concepts and technologies in creating dynamic web pages.

Assessment Instructions - To demonstrate your competence in this task, you are required to answer the following questions:

1. Briefly explain the following web-programming concepts:

  • authentication and web security
  • hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)
  • session management
  • stateless programming

2. Briefly describe the following internet technologies:

  • Conditional control
  • Iterative control
  • Object-oriented programming

3. Given the logo of the browser, state the following:

  • Name of the browser
  • Name at least two feature OR the reason why would you test your web page in this browser: you may write your answer in the table.

Key Requirements - The learner is required to answer the questions given in the assessment instructions in order to assess the learner's knowledge on the different concepts and technologies in:

  • producing dynamic web pages that include both client and server-side dynamic content.
  • creating efficient and effective code to meet technical requirements.
  • testing the website and code in a variety of web browsers.

Attachment:- Create Dynamic Web Pages Assignment Files.rar

Verified Expert

In this assignment, We have written a report as per the questions have given about web security.In this report, we have explained about HTTP, different types of controllers and object-oriented programming.We have also discussed different types of browsers like chrome, morzilla, safari and many more.

Reference no: EM132330023

Questions Cloud

Define object oriented data model and sql query definition : Completed Week Two Individual Assignment "Object Oriented Data Model and SQL Query Definition". Completed Week Three Individual Assignment, "Database Operation.
Identify appropriate methodologies and research techniques : Identifies appropriate methodologies and research techniques (e.g., justifies the sample, procedures, and measures). Data analytic plan is suitable to test.
Prepare a paper about performance : Prepare a paper about Performance - Performance and how to improve it- Why we evaluate performance and Standards of evaluating performance of a system
What are the basic reasons that people resist change : What are the basic reasons that people resist change? How can this resistance be overcome? Need 250 words (2 discussions each 250 500 words).
Briefly explain the authentication and web security : ICTWEB502 Create Dynamic Web Pages Project Assignment, Strathfield College, Sydney, Australia. Briefly explain the authentication and web security
Does benefit of incorporating a change model outweigh time : Why is it important to incorporate a theory or model related to change when implementing practice changes? Does the benefit of incorporating a change.
Describe therapeutic endpoints for psychopharmacologic agent : Recommend psychopharmacologic treatments and describe specific and therapeutic endpoints for your psychopharmacologic agent. (This should relate to HPI).
How does the podcast relate to your economics class : What did you learn that was the most challenging or interesting thing you learned? What did you most agree with or was there anything you disagreed.
Identify a specific evidence-based practice proposal : In collaboration with your approved course mentor, you will identify a specific evidence-based practice proposal topic for the capstone project.



6/28/2019 11:58:11 PM

Student must review - Lesson materials provided in class and Examples used in lessons. Instructions to Students: Submit the project with file name: DWP_A2_your_nickname.docx Please complete assessment task within the time frame given. You must attempt all the requirements that are addressed within this assessment task. Copying or any kind of cheating is absolutely not permitted, if someone is found cheating or copying, will be debarred from the assessment and a disciplinary proceeding would begin.

Write a Review

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  How architectural and protocol changes occur

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  Traditional approaches for training professionals

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Information technology influences the behavior of organizations. Name one effect of Information technology implementation and long-term usage you suppose having a positive contribution and one having a negative consequence.

  Importance of a guided navigation system

Explain the use and importance of a guided navigation system and shopping cart for a website designed for e-commerce and business purpose.

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