Briefly explain the aries recovery algorithm

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13336576

Question 1

Define ACID properties, and briefly explain the methods used to deal with them in the DBMS.

Question 2

Why is concurrent execution of transactions important in the DBMS? What is a schedule and how do you determine the conflicts between transactions in a schedule? You may need to explain this using such anomalies as dirty read, unrepeatable read, and blind write.

Question 3

Define Strict 2PL protocol and precedence graph, and explain how to use them to address the conflict serializability problem.

Question 4

Explain the reason of deadlock and discuss how to deal with a deadlock issue in the DBMS.

Question 5

Briefly explain the ARIES recovery algorithm, including the main phases, main principles and key ideas behind the algorithm such as WAL protocol and checkpointing etc.


Reference no: EM13336576

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