Briefly explain how each requirement can be implemented

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133187123

BSBLDR523 Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships

1. Establish effective workplace relationship processes

2. Manage effective workplace relationships

3. Review management of workplace relationships

Assessment Task 1 - Knowledge Questions

Question 1. Complete the table below:
a. Identify at least two business systems that support the development of effective work relationships
Systems refer to a group of interrelated processes that work together to achieve a certain goal.
b. Briefly explain how each system supports the development of effective work relationships
Work relationships can be considered effective when employees get along and work well with each other. This can be characterised by good teamwork, lack of conflict between employees, etc.

Business Systems Brief Explanation of How Each System Supports the Development of Effective Work Relationships

Question 2. Bounce Fitness is a premier fitness centre with four centres across Australia. Access the link below to learn more about Bounce Fitness.
Bounce Fitness Homepage

Complete the table below:
a. Identify at least two Bounce Fitness policies and procedure documents related to the development of effective work relationships. Use the link below to access Bounce Fitness's policies and procedures:

Policies and Procedures

Policy and procedures support the development of effective work relationships if it outlines requirements that must be implemented during collaboration between employees in the workplace. Requirements must provide guidelines on how effective work can be established and maintained between employees

b. Briefly explain how each policy and procedure supports the development of effective work relationships

Question 3. Answer the guide questions below about interpersonal styles

a. Define interpersonal styles.

b. Briefly explain the relevance of interpersonal styles to work relationships.

Question 4. Complete the table below:

a. Identify at least two communication skills
Communication skills refer to the skills needed to be able to convey information to others effectively and efficiently. These skills can include verbal, non-verbal, and written skills that can be used to facilitate information sharing.

b. Briefly explain how each communication skill identified can help improve work relationships
Communication Skill Explanation on How Each Skill Can Help Improve Work Relationships

Question 5. Briefly explain how each concept listed below is relevant to workplace relationships.
a. Consultation

b. Cultural Sensitivity

c. Social Sensitivity

d. Networking

e. Conflict Resolution

Question 6- You are required to access legislation applicable to your state/territory relevant to managing workplace relationships.
For your assessor's reference:

a. Tick the box of the state/territory that you are currently based on located in

b. Identify at least one legislation relevant to managing effective workplace relationships that applies to the indicated state/territory
When answering Question 6, you must refer to the requirements of the legislation identified below.

Question 7. Access the legislation applicable to your state/territory that you identified in the preliminary task and complete the table below:
a. Identify at least two requirements provided in the legislation that is relevant to managing effective work relationships
b. Briefly explain how each requirement can be implemented in the workplace to manage effective workplace relationships
Legislative Requirement Explanation on How Each Requirement Can be Implemented to Manage Effective Workplace Relationships

Question 8. Identify methods that can be used to develop processes for the following situations.
Methods refer to the different ways you can use to develop a process for each of the situations in the guide questions below. Processes for each situation would contain steps or requirements that must be implemented for every instance that each situation is conducted.
a. Identify at least one method that can be used to develop a process for consulting with employees.

b. Identify at least one method that can be used to develop a process for conflict management
Conflict management refers to the process of identifying and resolving conflicts that can arise in the workplace.

c. Identify at least one method that can be used to develop a process for task issue management
Task issue management refers to the process of identifying and resolving issues that can appear when conducting any given task.

Assessment task 2: Project

About the Project:

This project is divided into three (3) Parts. Each Part is then split into various tasks. You are required to read the scenario provided for each Part/Task and complete the associated Tasks.

Part 1: Establish effective workplace relationship processes
• Task 1.1 Identify workplace collaboration processes
• Task 1.2 Develop Processes for Consultation
• Task 1.3 Develop Conflict Management Processes
• Task 1.4 Develop Task Issue Management Processes
• Task 1.5 Identify policies for diversity and ethical conduct

Part 2: Manage effective workplace relationships
• Task 2.1 Delegate responsibilities for work task
• Task 2.2 Perform the work task
• Task 2.3 Identify Task Issues
• Task 2.4 Address Task Issues
• Task 2.5 Identify Conflicts
• Task 2.6 Meet with Employees involved in conflict
• Task 2.7 Resolve workplace conflicts
• Task 2.8 Provide feedback to team members

Part 3: Review management of workplace relationships
• Task 3.1 Seek feedback on workplace relationship management
• Task 3.2 Identify areas of improvement

Instructions for Students:
To complete this workplace project tasks, you must:
• implement processes to manage ideas and information on at least two occasions, including:
» communicating information to support others to achieve work responsibilities
» facilitating employees' contributions to consultation on work issues
» providing feedback on the outcomes of consultations
» resolving issues raised or referring to relevant personnel
• develop and implement processes and systems to manage difficulties on at least two occasions, including:
» identifying and resolving conflicts and other difficulties according to organisational policies and procedures
» planning how to address difficulties
» providing guidance, counselling and support to assist co-workers in resolving their work difficulties.

Part 1: Establish effective workplace relationship processes

Task 1.1 Identify Workplace Collaboration Processes
About this task:
This task requires you to review Bounce Fitness's policies and procedures for ensuring workplace collaboration.
Instructions for Students:
• You will access and review Bounce Fitness's policies and procedures for ensuring workplace collaboration.
Using Bounce Fitness as a simulated workplace, you are required to review Task 1.1 Communication Policy and Procedures, and Task 1.1 Employee Relations Policy and Procedures.
Workplace collaboration refers to when at least two people come together to work towards a common goal. During this time, each individual shares their skills and ideas to reach the common goal.
• You will locate and access the Task 1.1 Organisational Collaboration Processes template located in the Zip folder and record the policies and procedures at Bounce Fitness.
• You will complete the template by completing the following:
a. Identify at least two (2) of Bounce Fitness's policies and procedures related to workplace collaboration.
Relation to workplace collaboration is established if the policy and procedure document contains a requirement that will guide employees on the proper behaviour and practices to implement during each instance of workplace collaboration.
b. Record the title of each identified policy and procedures related to workplace collaboration.
c. Identify at least one (1) process from each policy and procedure that must be implemented during workplace collaboration for each policy and procedure document.
Processes identified in this task will be used in Task 2.2.

Task 1.2 Develop Processes For Consultation
About this Task:
This task requires you to develop processes that will be followed while consulting with employees at Bounce Fitness as a simulated environment.
Instructions for Students:
• You are required to locate and access the Task 1.2 Consultation Processes template provided in the Zip folder. You will use this template to record the processes you will develop in this task.
• You will complete the template by developing the following processes to be followed when consulting with employees:
You will outline the following:
a. At least one (1) process that will allow employees to contribute to the discussion during a consultation.
Contribution refers to how employees can actively participate in the discussion held during each consultation. Methods for employee contribution can include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Employees providing feedback on the topic being discussed
o Asking for ideas from employees on areas for improvement
b. At least one (1) process for facilitating the employees' contribution gathered to decide.
These can include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Determining how to facilitate the employees' contributions
Ensuring that each decision made is not biased to just one employee's contribution
• At least one (1) process for providing feedback on the outcome of the consultation.
Include the following in your process:
» At least one communication method to be used to provide the feedback
Method for communication can vary and can include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Conducting a meeting
o Sending an email
» Identify at least two (2) kinds of information you will include in your feedback
Feedback provided refers to the results of a discussion that is held between a mediator (e.g., manager) and each party concerned in the discussion.
Information that must be gathered and reported can include, but is not limited to, the following:
o How well the employee receiving feedback performed based on the result of each discussion
o How the employee can further improve their performance

Task 1.3 Develop Conflict Management Processes

About this task:
This task requires you to develop conflict management processes to identify and handle conflicts at Bounce Fitness as a simulated workplace.

Instructions for Students:
• You are required to access and review at least two (2) policies and procedures about conflict management at Bounce Fitness as a simulated workplace.
Using Bounce Fitness as a simulated workplace, you are required to locate and access the Task 1.3 Conflict Resolution Policy and Procedures and Task 1.3 Complaints and grievance Policy and Procedure.
Conflict management refers to the process of identifying and handling conflicts that arise in the workplace.
• You will now use locate and access the Task 1.3 Conflict Management Processes template provided in the Zip folder.
• Complete the template:
» Identify each of Bounce Fitness's conflict management policy and procedure you accessed.
» Based on your review, determine the requirements that must be met whenever conflict management is being implemented
» Outline at least two processes for conflict management based on the policies and procedures reviewed:
o At least one (1) process on how to identify the existence of a conflict
Ensure to include the following:
o At least one (1) method to identify the existence of conflict (e.g., consultation with team members)
Conflict refers to disagreements or arguments between employees that often leads to a strain in workplace relationships.
o At least two (2) kinds of information to collect to identify the conflict
These can include, but are not limited to, the following:
» Who are involved in the conflict?
» When did the conflict occur?
o Identify at least one (1) person you intend to gather information about the conflict from (e.g., will you include witnesses or only those involved in the conflict?)
o At least one (1) process on how to resolve conflicts identified
Ensure to include the following:
» At least one opportunity for all involved employees to meet to discuss how to resolve the conflict
» Who will make the final decision on how to resolve conflict?
» At least one step to ensure that all parties concerned agree with the decision
• Processes developed will be used to complete later tasks.

Task 1.4 Develop Task Issue Management Processes
About This Task
This task requires you to develop task issue management processes to identify and resolve issues that can occur during completion of certain tasks
Instructions for Students:
• You are required to access and review at least one (1) of Bounce Fitness's policy and procedure about:
» Identifying issues employees have with their tasks
» Addressing the employees' task issues
Using Bounce Fitness, you will locate the Task 1.4 Personal development Policy and Procedures and review the document.
• You will now locate and access the Task 1.4 Issue Management Process template provided in the Zip folder and use this template to outline the processes you will develop in this task.
• You will now complete the Task 1.4 Issue Management Process template. To complete the template:
» Identify at least one (1) of Bounce Fitness's policy and procedures for task issue management that you reviewed.
Task issue management refers to the process of identifying and resolving issues that can appear when conducting any given task.
» Develop the following processes based on your review of the identified policies and procedures:
o At least one (1) process for identifying task issues
Ensure to include:
- At least one method you intend to use to identify task issues
- How you intend to use the identified method to identify the task issues
o At least one (1) process for providing guidance to an employee based on the identified task issues
Guidance refers to the process of providing advice to the concerned employee on actions they can take to address their workplace issues.
Ensure to include:
o At least one method to provide the guidance
o How to identify the content of the guidance to be delivered
• Identify only one (1) of the following types of processes to develop for addressing task issues:
» Process for resolving escalated issues
» Process for referring the task issue to relevant personnel
Relevant personnel refer to individuals within the organisation that possesses the required expertise to handle the issues that will be referred to them.
• Develop the process you identified:
» If you develop a process for resolving escalated issues, include the following:
o Identify at least one (1) type of issue that will be escalated to you
o At least one (1) procedure to identify support that you must provide to resolve each issue escalated to you
Support refers to additional activities (e.g., training, workshop session) or resources (e.g., learning materials) that can be provided to employees to assist them in addressing their identified task issues.
» If you develop a process for referring the issue to relevant personnel, outline the following procedures:
o At least one (1) procedure for determining the personnel needed that can provide counselling to resolve the issue
o At least one (1) procedure for referring the issue to the identified relevant personnel
This process can include, but is not limited to, the following:
- How to contact the relevant personnel?
- How long since the identification of the issue must the relevant personnel be contacted for the referral?
• Processes developed in this task will be used in Task 2.4.

Task 1.5 Identify Policies For Diversity And Ethical Conduct

About this task:
This task will require you to identify policies and procedures regarding diversity and ethical conduct that you will follow at Bounce Fitness as a simulated workplace.

• You will locate and review at least two (2) of Bounce Fitness's policy relevant to diversity and ethical conduct.
Using Bounce Fitness as a simulated workplace you will use the Task 1.5 Code of Ethics and Task 1.5 Diversity Policy provided in the Zip folder.
• You will complete the Task 1.5 Diversity and Ethical Policies template.
To complete the template:
» Access at least two (2) workplace documents relevant to the following:
o Diversity
o Ethical conduct
» Identify the following policies in the documents accessed:
o At least one (1) policy for diversity
o At least one (1) policy for ethical conduct
» Record the identified policies in the Diversity and Ethical Policies template
Ensure that while writing each policy, you are using appropriate:
» Vocabulary
These can include, but is not limited to, the following:
o Avoid the use of jargon or technical language
o Use short and simple words
» Grammatical structure
These can include, but is not limited to, the following:
o Words are capitalised correctly
o Punctuations are used properly
» Conventions
These include, but are not limited to, the following:
Some words are correctly abbreviated
Proper spelling is observed
• Responses in this task will be implemented in Task 2.1

PART 2: Manage Effective Workplace Relationships

Task 2.1 Delegate Responsibilities For Work Task
• You must read the scenario provided for Task 2.1 Scenario KPI and roles and responsibilities that includes roles and responsibilities for yourself and two (2) other team members. You are required to come up with at least (2) tasks to be undertaken by self and two (2) other team members.
Using Bounce Fitness as a simulated workplace, you are required to seek an opportunity within your organisation for two (2) team members to undertake a task for this assessment. Ensure that the task your team members will undertake can be completed within the period of your assessment.
• You are required to review the completed Task 1.5 Diversity and Ethical Policies template before you conduct the role play activity.
• You will locate and access the Task 2.1 Action Plan template to record the discussion you have with two (2) team members.
• You will leave the following sections blank in the Task 2.1 Action Plan template. These will be completed in Task 2.2.
» Date Implemented
» Actual Result
» Assessor's Signature
» Assessor Declaration Form

Task 2.2 Perform The Work Task
• You will research, access and review the following documents that are relevant to workplace relationships:
a. Legislation
These include, but are not limited to, the following:
» Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act 1987
» Racial Discrimination Act 1975
b. Regulations
These include, but are not limited to, the following:
» Fair Work Regulations 2009
» Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011
c. Standards
These include, but are not limited to, the following:
» National Employment Standards
» Industry-based standards
d. Codes
These include, but are not limited to, the following:
» Code of Conduct (Refer the Task 2.2 Code of Conduct
» Code of Ethics (Refer the Task 1.5 Code of Ethics document
• You will arrange a time to meet with your team members (Same members as in Task 2.1) to implement the action items identified in Task 2.1.
• You will complete the following columns in the Task 2.1 Action Plan template after implementing all action items:
a. Date Implemented
Record the actual date each action item was implemented.
b. Actual Result
Describe if the team members were able to achieve each anticipated result for each action item implemented

Task 2.3 Identify Task Issues
• You are required to meet with each team member individually to discuss their task issues based on their performance in Task 2.2.
• You will review and implement the process for identifying task issues developed in the Task 1.4 Issues Management Processes Template.
You will identify at least one (1)task issue for each team member based on the team's task in Task 2.2.
• You will access the Task 2.3 Meeting Minutes template. You will secure one (1) copy of the Meeting Minutes for each meeting you intend to conduct with each team member.
• You will access the Task 2.3 Task Issues Action Plan template provided in the Zip. You must complete the following sections of the Task 2.3 Task Issues Action Plan template basedon your meeting with each team member:
» Action Item
Identify the support or relevant personnel identified based on your discussion recorded in the Task 2.3 Meeting Minutes template
» Planned Implementation Date
Record the date you intend to implement each action item. Ensure to follow the identified time frame in the Task 1.4 Issue Management Process template from Task 1.4 since the date recorded in the Meeting Minutes from this task.
» Anticipated Result
Identify what you intend to achieve after implementing each action item
• You will leave the following sections blank in the Task 2.3 Task Issues Action Plan template. These will be completed in the later tasks after each action item has been implemented:
» Date Implemented
» Actual Result
» Assessor's Signature
» Assessor Declaration Form
Do not submit the Task 2.3 Task Issues Action Plan template yet. You will submit the completed Task Issues Action Plan after implementing all action items by Task 2.4.

Task 2.4 Address Task Issues
This task will require you to implement each action item as identified in Task 2.3 Task Issues Action Plan template and refer the Task Issues Section.
• You are required to implement each action item identified in Task 2.3 Task Issues Action Plan template by meeting two (2) team members individually.
• You will then complete the Task 2.3 Task Issues Action Plan template after implementing all the action items:
» Date Implemented
» Actual Result

Scenario for Task 2.5
You work as a Centre Manager at Bounce Fitness, and you realise that there is an ongoing tension between two (2) fitness instructors. They have getting into mini spats lately and it is becoming harder and harder for everyone to get along. There is a large lack of trust among the fitness instructors, and it has been affecting the dynamics of the Centre. One of the goals of the organisation for the team is to increase the membership by 10%, however it is getting increasingly harder for customers to stay as they feel the tension within the workplace. You have set out for the team to increase overall productivity for this month, but with the state of your team is such that it is getting more and more difficult and challenging.

Team Member 1:
Hails from China and are working at Bounce Fitness to gain more work experience. You are in charge of orienting new clients about Bounce Fitness programs they have availed. Coming from a traditional Chinese background, you are used to keeping emotions to yourself, trying to show as little as possible to people outside your family and friends, especially at workplace.
Concerns: You are frustrated because Fitness Instructor 2 is very demeaning so working with them is very difficult. You feel frustrated trying to get new members to join because it's not something you're good at. You have noted that Fitness Instructor 2 isn't doing well on the backend, but you haven't made them feel bad about it.
Strengths: You are a diligent worker who knows how to organise and streamline tasks to get best results.

Team Member 2:
You came from the United States and opted to work in Bounce Fitness for the organisation culture. You are in charge of talking to potential clients about the different Bounce Fitness programs available to them.
You grew up in an American household most of your life, so you do not hesitate to speak your mind. You sometimes come across as irritable and sarcastic.
Concerns: You are frustrated because Fitness Instructor 1 isn't doing his job to the standards you hold. You just want Instructor 1 to improve, but they do not want to listen to you, so it makes you frustrated. You don't like it that Instructor 1 did not tell you about their problems with work. You feel that instead of doing your job properly, they left you to fail by yourself.
Strengths: You really have good people skills, making you perfect for getting more customers interested in the fitness centre.

Task 2.5 Identify Conflicts
• You are required to identify conflict between your team members within Bounce Fitness by referring the scenario for task 2.5.
Other students chosen by the assessor will play the role of Fitness Instructors (Team members), will be required to read the Scenario for Task 2.5.
• You will review the process developed for identifying conflicts in Task 1.3 Conflict Management Processes Template.
• You will now implement the process for identifying the existence of conflict in Task 1.3 Conflict Management Processes template.
• You will ensure that during the implementation you:
» Use the method identified in the process to identify the existence of the conflict.
» Gather information about the conflict from the people identified.
• You will meet the two (2) fitness instructors (team members) individually and implement the processes developed to identify each team members' conflict. You will also use the Task 2.5 Meeting Minutes template for Fitness Instructor conflict.

Task 2.6 Meet with Employees Involved in Conflicts
• You will arrange a time to meet with the fitness instructors involved in the conflict.
• You will access the Task 2.6 Meeting Minutes template 1 and Task 2.6 Meeting Minutes template 2 provided in the Zip folder. You will record your discussion with each of the two (2) team members.
• You will now review the following developed in previous tasks:
» Task 1.2 Consultation processes template
» Task 1.3 Conflict Management processes template
• You will implement the following processes:
» Process for Facilitating Employees' Contribution from the Task 1.2 Consultation Processes template.
» Process for Resolving Conflicts from the Task 1.3 Conflict Management Processes template.
• You will identify one (1) action item to be implemented to resolve the conflict. This must be based on what each team member and you as a Centre Manager have agreed on.
• You will now access and complete the Task 2.6 Conflict Management Action Plan template provided in the Zip folder based on the responses you recorded in the Task 2.6 Meeting minutes template.
» Action Item
Identify the action item recorded in the Meeting Minutes completed for each meeting.
» Planned Implementation Date
» Anticipated Result
• You will leave the following sections blank of the Task 2.6 Conflict Management Action Plan template:
» Date Implemented
» Actual Result
» Assessor's Signature
» Assessor Declaration Form

Task 2.7 Resolve Workplace Conflicts
This task will require you to implement each action item identified in the Task 2.6 Conflict Management Action Plan Template.
• You will review the Action Items specified in Task 2.6 Conflict Management Action Plan template and complete the following sections:
» Date Implemented
» Actual Result

Task 2.8 Provide Feedback To Team Members
This task requires you to provide feedback to two (2) team members (Fitness instructors) based on the meeting in Task 2.7.
• You will review the following documents before meeting two (2) team members:
» Process for Providing Feedback on the Outcome of Consultation in the Task 1.2 Consultation Process template.
» Responses in the Meeting Minutes template completed in Task 2.6.
• You must arrange a time and meet with the team members individually
• You are required to implement the Process for Providing Feedback on the Outcome of Consultation in the Task 1.2 Consultation Process template. You will also use the Task 2.8 Meeting Minutes template 1 and Task 2.8 Meeting Minutes template 2 to record the feedback provided to two (2) team members.
• You will communicate the feedback from each meeting regarding the conflict that is relevant to each team member. You must:
» Ensure to follow the identified method of communication in the developed process
» Discuss the type of information outlined in the process in the context of the meeting relevant to each team member held in Task 2.6.

PART 3. Review Management of Workplace Relationships

Task 3.1 Seek Feedback On Workplace Relationship Management
This task requires you must seek feedback on how to manage workplace relationships from at least two stakeholders.
Instructions for Student:
• You will arrange a time with at least two (2) relevant stake holders involved in your management of workplace relationships.
• You must arrange a time and meet with the team members individually
Relevant stakeholders refer to individuals that you interacted with during the process of managing workplace relationships during this assessment. Stakeholders can include, but are not limited to, the following:
» Team members
» Employees you met with in Task 2.6
• You will access the Task 3.1 Meeting Minutes template to conduct meeting with the two (2) relevant stakeholders.
• You will conduct the meeting with at least two (2) relevant stakeholders. During the meeting, you must:
» Discuss the following processes implemented to manage workplace relationships issues:
o Consultation Processes from Task 2.6
o Conflict Management Processes from Task 2.6
Discussion points can include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Discuss how effective each process was
o Discuss ways to improve each process
» Seek feedback on your management of workplace relationships based on your performance during the meeting in Task 2.6:
Discussion points can include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Areas that you performed well
o Areas that were not performed well
o Advice on how you can improve your performance

Task 3.2 Identify Areas Of Improvement
This task requires you to review and evaluate the discussion in Task 3.1 while also identifying the areas of improvements for future workplace relations leadership.
Instructions for Student:
• You will access and review the completed Task 3.1 Meeting Minutes template.
• You will now locate and access the Task 3.2 Improvement Log template provided in the Zip folder. You will complete this template by:
» Evaluate the feedback received for your management of workplace relationships from the Task 3.1 Meeting Minutes template
o Review each feedback received from the stakeholders during your discussion in Task 3.1.
o Identify feedback for each of the following areas based on your evaluation:
- Areas that were performed well
- Areas that need to be improved on
o Identify at least two (2) areas of performance that you need to improve on based on the evaluated feedback. Record the identified areas of performance that must be improved on in the Areas for Improvement section.
• You will submit the completed Task 3.2 Improvement Log template.

Attachment:- Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships.rar

Reference no: EM133187123

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