Briefly describe topic - Social Mobile and Local Marketing

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131808362 , Length: word count:3000

Assignment: E-Portfolio

Assessment Objectives: This assessment items relates to course learning outcomes:

1. Articulate the recent developments in e-business industry and its likely future directions.

2. Compare and explain various types of e-business infrastructure technologies, business models, and payment and security systems in a corporate setting.

3. Formulate and critically evaluate the impact of e-business strategies on organisational processes and outcomes.

4. Demonstrate the technical research skills to assess existing and emerging e-business technologies to transform organisations for competitive advantages.

5. Develop the ability to work independently and contribute as a member of team employing appropriate interpersonal; professional and technical communication skills.

6. Interpret the legal, ethical, social and cultural issues that affect the use, design; and implementation of e-business systems.

Assessment Task:

This is an individual assessment. In other words; the e-portfolio is to be maintained by every student individually.

The e-portfolio assignment aims to enhance your weekly learning and teaching as per the weekly topic and maximise your engagement with the course resources (please see weekly topics under Schedule in this course profile).

As a learning tool, e-portfolio will enable you to accumulate evidence of your learning during the term. In this assignment; you are required to research at least three references (two academic and one general; and published within the last 3 years) that are relevant to the topics covered in each week from teaching Week-3 to Week-8. So the entries will be made in the portfolio on a weekly basis starting from Week-3 until the end of Week-8 (due date). You will briefly describe and relate the academic sources to the topics covered in that week. You will enrich your weekly e-portfolio with relevant illustrations; video clips, and other multimedia applications as well. As a total you need to have 6 e-portfolio documents, and each e-portfolio carries 5 marks. The length of each weekly e-portfolio should be approximately 500 words.

In this assignment, you will use Mahara as a learning tool for your e-portfolio.

Topics -

Week 3 - Building an E-Commerce Presence

Week 4 - E-Commerce Security and Payment Systems

Week 5 - E-Commerce Business Strategies

Week 6 - E-Commerce Marketing and Advertising

Week 7 - Social, Mobile and Local Marketing

Week 8 - E-Commerce Relating and Services

Reference no: EM131808362

Questions Cloud

How much self-employment tax must he pay for 2013 : How much self-employment tax must he pay for 2013, net earnings from a tax preparation business that he runs during tax season
Choose a level of care to exert : Steve is driving his truck and can choose a level of care to exert, which is denoted by x, which must be finite and non-negative. His cost of exerting
What is the equilibrium price for turkeys at this store : The supply and demand for 15 pound turkeys at one grocery store is as follows:
Identify an ethical issue that you might encounter : Identify an ethical issue that you might encounter in your role as a systems analyst. Explain how you would address this issue.
Briefly describe topic - Social Mobile and Local Marketing : You will briefly describe and relate the academic sources to the topics covered in that week. Topic - Social Mobile and Local Marketing
Compute the percentage of the population : Estimate the percentage of the population (from which this sample was taken) who would be unable to identify your product.
Prepare the journal entry for the issuance of these bonds : Prepare the journal entry for the issuance of these bonds. Assume the bonds are issued for cash on January 1
Identify an information technology development project : Identify an information technology development project that failed within the last 3 years.
Firm cost curves by choosing shift upward : Suppose, ceteris paribus, a firm's fixed costs decrease. Indicate the changes to this firm's cost curves by choosing shift upward



1/10/2018 11:52:22 PM

Australian student, Below I've attached two attachments: one for assignment requirements and other one for topics. Please check and let me know asap. Total of 3000 words, 500 words portfolio on each topic, please make sure that your work must include all topics from week 3-week 8. 6 portfolios in total. And it must include Harvard referencing, atleast 3 references two academic and one general reference from websites. References must be less than 3 years old. i.e, which is after 2014.


1/10/2018 11:52:12 PM

Marking Criteria for E-Portfolio: Knowledge and understanding of the topic, Quality of academic source, Relevance of the academic source, Description of the source, Relating the source with the topic. And Overall quality of the work.

Write a Review

Management Theories Questions & Answers

  The main strengths and weaknesses of each of the global

What are the main strengths and weaknesses of each of the global, multidomestic, and transnational strategies?

  Discuss the symbolic function of the clothes

Identify a singer or group whose music you like and discuss the symbolic function of the clothes that person (or group) wears.

  Review the case study of incase inc v timex corp

FACTS Incase designs and manufactures injectionmolded plastic packaging products. It does not normally charge directly for design services, but provides.

  Planned substantive procedures as a result of the deficiency

Once the auditor detects a control deficiency, which of the following steps must he or she take first?

  How great a role did your personal values play

Decide what you are going to do. Support your decision with appropriate rationale. Explain how you would determine which applicant to hire.

  Describe the attraction-selection-attrition model

Describe the Attraction-Selection-Attrition model and how it maintains organizational culture - define each of the elements of an effective employee socialization program and the distinct stages of socialization.

  Method used to transfer the instrument from the bank

For the government to be a holder, which method must have been used to transfer the instrument from the bank to the government?

  Briefly explain how e-procurement works

Briefly explain how e-procurement works. E-procurement systems are Web-based systems that enable all types of organizations to improve the efficiency.

  What is the standard deviation of this portfolio

What is the standard deviation of this portfolio? What is the expected return of a portfolio of two risky assets if the expected return E(Ri)

  What special challenges do multi-national organizations face

What special challenges do multi-national organizations face that other organizations are generally immune to? Please be specific and why is it a good case to help us begin our study of the best practices of good managers

  What is product knowledge

What is product knowledge? What do you need to find out in order to develop good product knowledge? What sources of information might you consult in order to develop your product knowledge? Upload your answer for assessment

  Estimate the change in the number of rns required to staff

In 1999, California became the first state to pass a law that requires minimum staffing ratios for nurses in general acute care hospitals.

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