Reference no: EM132401323
Assignment -
Discuss the entire paper in the slides under 9 minutes, however, pick the most important things about the paper and include as many figures as you can and please make the presentation looks professional please.
Those are the questions that might be helpful to create slides.
1 - Briefly describe the two most important pieces of background information for this study. In other words, what does your audience need to know about this paper before you explain the findings? Usually this consists of one large concept (i.e. a disease, a system, etc.) and one more focused concept (a particular type of cell, process, protein, etc.).
2 - Context: Describe why you think this paper would have broad interest for society in general. What's interesting/important about this work?
3 - Methodology & findings: Briefly describe what techniques the authors use to address this question, and what the overall conclusion of the paper is. Do not simply restate the abstract this should be in your words.
4 - Pick one figure where the authors used a biochemical technique. Download the image of the entire figure (i.e. all panels) and paste it into this document. Describe the results, the main point, and how the figure fits into the overall story of the paper.
5 - Pick one figure where the authors used an in vivo model download the image of the entire figure (i.e. all panels) and paste it into this document. Describe the results, the main point, and how the figure fits into the overall story of the paper.
6 - Briefly describe what unanswered questions and/or future directions remain.
Paper - Chronic Caffeine Treatment Protects Against α-Synucleinopathy by Reestablishing Autophagy Activity in the Mouse Striatum.
Need 10 slides.
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