Reference no: EM131245143
Article: Fishman, D. B. (2005). Editor's introduction to PCSP: From single case to database: A new method for enhancing psychotherapy practice. Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy, 1(1), 1-50. Retrieved from
Qualitative Research Designs
Although the qualitative research design has not been used extensively in forensic psychology in the past, its utility for helping to flesh out specifics within various forensic psychology areas is now being realized. For instance, the qualitative approach is recommended during the initial phases of research because it provides a more detailed description of a topic. However, it does not lend itself to the typical statistical analysis. Also, with the qualitative approach, data usually is in descriptive form, not numerical as in quantitative design.
There are several qualitative research approaches. Among them are the case study, ground theory, phenomenology, ethnography, and the historical approach. The case study looks at a single case in depth, whereas the ground theory approach is developed in reverse by collecting data prior to forming a hypothesis. The phenomenology approach is a narrative about the experiences of the researcher as they are observed without the constraints of an overriding theory. The ethnographic approach uses field observation of sociocultural events and implies a sociological meaning to the observations. This approach has typically been used on large groups of people. Finally, the historical approach uses objective criteria and a systematic approach of data collection related to historical events. It often tests hypotheses by looking at past events so that future predictions about the phenomena can be made.
To prepare for this Discussion:
• Review " Descriptive Research: Assessing the Current State of Affairs" on pages 14-16 in Chapter 1 of your course text, Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences, focusing on the differences between qualitative versus quantitative research.
• Review the article, "From Single Case to Database: A New Method for Enhancing Psychotherapy Practice." Pay particular attention to the differences between quantitative and qualitative analyses.
• Using the Walden Library, choose and review a research study dealing with an area of forensic psychology in which you are interested and which uses quantitative analysis.
• Consider how you might design the study you selected using a qualitative approach (e.g., case study, action research, etc.) and why you would do so.
With these thoughts in mind:
Post by Day 4 a brief description of the research study you selected. Then explain what makes this a quantitative study and how you might design a study on this topic using a qualitative method. Provide a rationale for doing so. Be specific.
Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.
Application: Quantitative Versus Qualitative Research Designs
Research studies in forensic psychology that utilize quantitative research designs are more common than those using the qualitative approach. As previously pointed out, qualitative designs have only recently been accepted in forensic psychology research. However, many forensic psychologists and forensic psychology professionals are realizing that much can be learned in many areas of study by using qualitative research designs instead of quantitative. Furthermore, the differences between quantitative and qualitative designs are not as distinct as you might imagine.
To prepare for this assignment:
• Review the article, "From Single Case to Database: A New Method for Enhancing Psychotherapy Practice." Pay particular attention to how both quantitative and qualitative research designs are used to evaluate individual case studies.
• Using the Walden Library, choose and review a research study in the area of forensic psychology that uses a quantitative design and another that uses a qualitative design. If possible, try to find articles that focus on similar or related topics or research questions in forensic psychology.
• Consider the similarities and differences between the two studies in terms of the designs of the studies, the data collection and analysis methods, and the nature of the interpretation of results and conclusions drawn.
The assignment (2-3 pages):
• Briefly describe the quantitative study you selected.
• Briefly describe the qualitative study you selected.
• Compare (similarities and differences) the two studies in terms of the designs, the methods of data collection and analysis, the nature of the interpretation, and conclusions drawn.
• Explain an insight you had or conclusion you now might draw as a result of/based on your comparison.
Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list only for those resources not included in the Learning Resources for this course.