Briefly describe the organisation and its industry

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM131480322

This assignment is for a MBA programme Your task is to undertake a strategic planning exercise for your own organisation, or for an organisation you are familiar with in your country or region.

You are required to produce a report that evaluates the existing objectives and the alignment between the currently deployed strategy and objectives.

You also need to evaluate and determine how current organisational structure and corporate culture support strategy execution and achievement of the postulated objectives providing recommendations for improvements so that the organisation remains competitive. Procedure

1.Briefly describe the organisation and its industry.

2.Analyse and evaluate the appropriateness of at least two existing strategic objectives of the organisation of your choice and recommend improvements..Not all organisations may have formal objectives; if that is the case, you will be required to develop at least two strategic objectives as part of this report justifying their appropriateness.

3.Next, evaluate and determine how the currently used strategy is aligned with the postulated objectives:.If based on your analysis you determine the strategy is aligned with objective, you will need to provide relevant justifications to support your arguments. .If the strategy is found not to be effectively aligned with the objectives, recommend improvements for better alignment with relevant justifications to support your arguments.

4.Evaluate the components of strategy execution currently in place in your chosen organisation and provide recommendations for better strategy execution. 5.Provide a conclusion with a summary of your recommendations.

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NAB, National Australian Bank has long history of strategic business management. It has proved to be successful in establishing its position in the national and international domain. particularly the strategy of mergers and acquisitions is followed by the company for the last 30 years. However, still the failure of the company in recent times and demergers with more than 4.2billion loss is a big negative development. But there is need for the organization to consider its strategic plan modification and there is scope for the company to regain its position. The discussion is about the organization strategic management, critical analysis, evaluation and recommendations.

Reference no: EM131480322

Questions Cloud

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Analyze your comfort level with risk mitigating strategies : Analyze your comfort level with risk and present mitigating strategies. Describe your business experiences and provide historical context and examples.
Briefly describe the organisation and its industry : Briefly describe the organisation and its industry - Evaluate the components of strategy execution currently
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Position on a current topic supported by research : In this essay, you will develop a position on a current topic supported by research (with consideration of opposing research and positions).
The distribution strategy of your organization : Place This section will provide a comprehensive look at the distribution strategy of your organization.
Lending capacity of the banking system : What would the lending capacity of the banking system be after such a portfolio switch?



5/22/2017 6:06:21 AM

Thank you I have received the work and it is really fine but can you please advise and add on other references as the requirement for references is a minimum of 8. ?Please add more required details and send the updated solution urgently. Thanks.

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