Briefly describe the intellisense feature in visual studio

Assignment Help Visual Basic Programming
Reference no: EM131136343

"IntelliSense and Application Documentation" Please respond to the following:

• Visual Studio has a feature called IntelliSense. IntelliSense can be very useful during the development step of the Software Development Life Cycle. Briefly describe the IntelliSense feature in Visual Studio? Suggest two ways that you would use IntelliSense during the development (writing program code) of your labs and assignments.

• All values (alpha and numeric) entered into a Visual Basic program are initially stored as strings. Suggest the key actions that you would take when programming your code to ensure that numeric values are stored and manipulated as numeric types (integer, double, or float) instead of strings.

• Programmers need to consider more than writing software. Once the system is released into production, the maintenance programmers will need the event planning document to solve problems. Describe other documents the support team will need.

Reference no: EM131136343

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