Reference no: EM133122013
HLTENN003 Perform clinical assessment and contribute to planning nursing care
Assessment task - Knowledge questions
Question 1. Briefly describe the techniques for conducting health assessment.
Question 2. Nurses must apply problem solving strategies and skills when performing clinical health assessments. Briefly discuss this with an example.
Question 3. Explain in your own words the physical growth, cognitive development and motor development of infants (0-12 months).
Physical growth of infants:
Cognitive development of infants:
Motor development of infants:
Question 4. Explain in your own words the physical growth and psychosocial, cognitive and motor development of the toddler.
Physical growth of a toddler:
Psychosocial development of a toddler:
Cognitive development of a toddler:
Motor development of a toddler:
Question 5. Explain in your own words the psychosocial, cognitive and motor development of the pre-schooler.
Physical growth of a pre-school child:
Psychosocial development of a pre-school child:
Cognitive development of a pre-school child:
Motor development of a pre-school child:
Question 6. Explain in your own words the psychosocial, cognitive and motor development of the school aged child.
Physical growth of a school aged child:
Psychosocial development of a school aged child:
Cognitive development of a school aged child:
Motor development of a school aged child:
Question 7. Briefly describe in your own words the impacts of the following:
• Influences of genetics on human development
• Influences of environment on human development
• Role of play in a child's development
• Impact of hospitalisation on child and family Influences of genetics on human development: Influence of environment on human development: Role of play in a child's development:
Impact of hospitalisation on child and family:
Question 8. Briefly describe in your own words the developmental stages of adulthood. Discuss three (3) major activities related to each developmental stage.
Question 9. Briefly describe in your own words the developmental stages of adolescence.
Question 10. Briefly describe the following in your own words.
• Common health issues for adolescents
• Family health care needs in general
• Gender-specific health care needs of people in general.
Question 11. Briefly describe the stages of childhood from Trust vs. Mistrust to Identity vs. Role Confusion in your own words.
Question 12. Briefly explain the variations in health needs and activities of daily living across the person's lifespan.
Question 13. Briefly explain in your own words how the wellness approach to health addresses the physiological and psychosocial aspects of health.
Question 14. Briefly describe three (3) principles of health assessment.
Question 15. Briefly describe the impact of infertility on people.
Question 16. Identify and describe three (3) approaches to understanding human growth and development.
Question 17. Briefly describe four (4) factors that promote and four (4) factors that impede comfort, rest and sleep for a person in a clinical setting.
Question 18. Discuss four (4) purposes of hygiene and grooming.
Question 19. Discuss five (5) recommended nursing interventions when providing care for a client with fluid and nutritional deficits.
Question 20. When a person is admitted in a clinical setting, a nurse should conduct a range of assessments to identify risks associated with the following parameters or areas of concern. Discuss why it is important to identify risks associated with each of these when providing episodic care.
a. Age
b. Anaesthesia
c. Surgery
d. Cognitive status
e. Deep vein thrombosis
f. Venous thromboembolism
g. Pulmonary embolism
h. Immobility
i. Length of stay
j. Mental health condition
k. Non-compliance
l. Nutritional status
m. Pain
n. Presence of morbidity
Question 21. Refer to ARC guidelines and industry recommendations on hospital emergency codes and summarise your findings on each of the following aspects underpinning basic life support and emergency codes.
• Recommended depth of compression when performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in adults and the rationale for it.
• What happens to an unconscious person's upper airway during head tilt/chin lift intervention?
• Examples of situations where you could cease providing CPR.
• Recommendation to avoid fatigue interfering with the delivery of adequate chest compressions when there are multiple rescuers.
• How will you prepare a client's skin prior to AED pad placement?
• How will you ensure safety when using AED and administering shock?
• Discuss the use of MET call and Code Blue in a hospital. What is the expected response to MET call and Code Blue?
Question 22. Briefly describe the application of maintaining a safe environment for patients in a healthcare environment.
Question 23. Briefly describe appropriate strategies a nurse must implement in maintaining a safe environment as part of risk prevention for a patient with limited vision.
Question 24. Briefly describe appropriate strategies a nurse must implement in establishing a safe bedside environment to prevent patient falls in a healthcare environment.
Question 25. Refer to the falls prevention guidelines provided by SA Health and access the fall and injury risk assessment form from their website. Briefly describe when to use this form in a healthcare environment and discuss key considerations in completing a falls risk assessment.
Question 26. Briefly describe appropriate strategies a nurse must implement in promoting active exercises for a patient in a healthcare setting.
Briefly describe appropriate strategies a nurse must implement in promoting passive exercises for a bedridden patient in a healthcare setting.
Question 27. Briefly describe key considerations in promoting deep breathing and coughing exercises for a patient in a healthcare setting.
Question 28. Briefly describe appropriate strategies a nurse must implement in maintaining skin integrity of a bed ridden patient. Include in your response key considerations in providing pressure area care.
Question 29. Define activities of daily living (ADL) and briefly describe the five (5) basic categories of ADL.
Question 30. Identify and briefly describe a procedure used to assist with elimination needs of a patient.
Question 31. Briefly describe two (2) incontinence aids or devices used in the clinical setting.
Question 32. Briefly describe strategies a nurse could implement to ensure physical comfort of a patient.
Question 33. It is common for most clients to experience sleep disturbances when admitted in a clinical setting. Briefly describe strategies a nurse could implement to minimise sleep disturbances of a patient.
Question 34. Briefly describe key considerations when a nurse assists a person with each of the following aspects of oral hygiene:
• Brushing teeth
• Care of dentures
• Using alcohol-free mouthwash
• Interdental cleaning
Question 35. Briefly describe key considerations when addressing the healthcare needs of a person with immobility.
Question 36. Briefly describe four (4) pieces of information you must gather when assessing the respiratory status of a person and identifying any actual or potential problems.
Question 37. Briefly describe the recommended nursing interventions when providing care for a client experiencing multi-system problems associated with circulation, including pain or discomfort with exercise, difficulty breathing, palpitations and fatigue.
Question 38. Briefly describe a nurse's role in the assessment and management of a client's pain.
Question 39. When planning actual and potential nursing care for a client admitted in your clinical setting, it is important to consider the underlying medical conditions. Provide a rationale to support this statement with an example.
Question 40. Provide two (2) examples of sensory deficits and identify personal aids and devices appropriate to manage the identified deficits.
Question 41. Provide five (5) examples of cognitive deficits. Briefly describe three (3) strategies for managing clients with attention and memory difficulties.
Question 42. Research and briefly explain the admission and discharge planning processes that occur in a hospital setting. Outline documentation required when admitting and discharging a patient.
Question 43. Briefly describe the key considerations when using various equipment for health assessment and data collection.
Question 44. Briefly describe how you should assist a person to ambulate using a Zimmer Frame.
Question 45. Identify the equipment or resources you should gather to perform each of the following clinical measurements and/or assessments. Include in your response one specific nursing consideration when performing each of these measurements and/or assessments.
• Blood glucose level:
• Blood pressure (manual method):
• Height, weight, body mass index:
• Pupil reaction:
• Neurological reflexes:
• Peripheral circulation:
• Assessment for eyesight within your scope of practice:
• Skin colour, integrity and turgor:
• Temperature, pulse, respirations:
• Urinalysis:
Question 46. Briefly describe the key considerations when interpreting and analysing a person's health-related information.
Question 47. How can you determine the levels of consciousness of a person?
Question 48. How could you recognise a deteriorating patient? When working in a hospital, how and when should you raise issues of concern about a person's deterioration?
Question 49. Briefly describe appropriate strategies a nurse should use when gathering information from a patient's family or carer if the patient is unable to communicate.