Reference no: EM131994318
This case is a "live" case about Uber, a popular ride-sharing company whose services many people use today. It has been featured in the news in the last few years, unfortunately mostly due to various ethical issues that recently occurred or are still cropping up. Many of these issues are outlined in various articles (links attached in this paper). The company is in the midst of trying to resolve these scandals and redefine itself.
Read the short description of Uber, including at least 3 of the attached articles. Then write an integrative individual ethics paper that responds to the questions below. This paper should be double-spaced, 12 point font, up to five pages only.
Add a separate reference page. Note that due to the nature of this live case, the questions are slightly different from what's in your syllabus.
Consider the questions at the end of this document to be the final guidelines for your individual paper.
You are expected to utilize ethical concepts discussed in our readings and in class, and you are encouraged to do additional research (cite at least 3 references separate from the text, one of which should be academic).
Uber's Ethical Travails
Today's high-tech powered economy is being hailed "the sharing economy" or the "peer-to-peer economy" because of the rise of online platforms that connect customers with independent contractors, for a variety of services, such as transportation (e.g., Uber and Lyft) and travel (e.g., Airbnb).
These online platforms are revolutionizing entire industries and redefining how people do business. The disruptive technologies allow people to offer under-utilized possessions such as a car or a room to customers directly, leveraging the openness of online communities for feedback and quality control, thus providing more choices and ultimately pushing prices down while also offering income opportunities to many people.
These should bode very well for companies, communities, service providers and customers. But it has also posed serious challenges to traditional industries, such as taxi companies and car service companies who are losing business, and governments who have accused these online companies of sidestepping taxes, required permits, and other regulations. Since 2010, Uber has spent millions of dollars fighting various lawsuits, and in August 2017, Uber's CEO Travis Kalanick was ousted and replaced by former Expedia executive, Dara Khosrowshahi.
Read the first article below, which details the various scandals and controversies at Uber. Then read at least two more articles below about the CEO shift. (If these links don't work automatically, cut and paste them into your browser). You are also expected to do additional research about ethics and Uber to help with your analysis.
Write an integrative essay covering the following questions:
1. Out of the multiple issues outlined in these news articles, highlight two that you think will have the most impact on Uber's future. For each of these issues:
. a) Briefly describe the ethical dilemma or issue. Explain why you think this is particularly critical and poses a danger to Uber's sustainability. ?
. b) Who are the key stakeholders associated with the issue; how are they impacted (What do they have to gain/lose?). Take a broad systems view.
. c) Analyze the situation. What factors are causing or contributing to this issue? Integrate ethical concepts, frameworks or codes of conduct associated with the issue.
2. If you were to advise the new CEO on how to respond to and overcome the barrage of negative press against Uber, what would you recommend?
. a) At the overall level, what can the CEO do in terms of ethics and corporate social responsibility?
. b) Specific to the two issues you discussed, what would you recommend? Offer a well-thought out set of solutions or action steps for each issue, with a short rationale.