Reference no: EM131045683
Read the Crocs: Revolutionizing an Industry's Supply Chain Model for Competitive Advantage case study in your course text. After reviewing the information in this case study and the Learning Resources for this week, complete the following:
Submit and post to the Discussion Board by Day 7 a 300- to 450-word response to the following questions:
Assume that you are a judge for the Malcolm Baldrige Award. Using Table 8.4 on in your text, how would you evaluate Crocs' for this prestigious award?
Briefly describe the Baldrige Award. State each category of evaluation and describe Crocs' performance in each category. Recommend a point award for each category based on the company's performance.
Learning Resources
This page contains the Learning Resources for this week. Be sure to scroll down the page to see all of this week's assigned Learning Resources.
Required Resources
Schroeder, R. G., Goldstein, S. M., & Rungusanatham, M. J. (2013). Operations management in the supply chain: Decisions and cases(6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Chapter 8, "Managing Quality" (pp. 162-188)
Offering a product or service that a customer considers to be of good quality is essential for the success of any organization. This chapter discusses different types of quality that may be evaluated, including design quality, safety standards, reliability, and customer service. In addition, the chapter discusses the ISO 9000 process certifications and the Baldrige Award that are available to companies that meet certain standards of excellence.
Focus on the definitions provided throughout this chapter. Review and think about the examples and anecdotes provided in the chapters that illustrate the major ideas being conveyed. Consider what you know about quality management principles. Ask yourself, what skills are necessary for today's operations manager and how do these skills reflect quality management principles?
Chapter 9, "Quality Control and Improvement" (pp. 189-219)
Development and implementation of quality control systems are critical to continuous, consistent production of high quality products and services. Concepts including quality attributes, process capability, and continuous improvement are discussed. Programs for quality management, including Sigma Six, and tools for quality control are presented. The United States is rapidly moving away from manufacturing to a service-based economy. Pay particular attention to the discussion regarding quality control in the service industries and the unique challenges faced by service businesses in quality measurement and management.
Optional Resources
Schroeder, R. G., Goldstein, S. M., & Rungtusanatham, M. J. (2013). Operations management in the supply chain (6th ed.). Retrieved from
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