Briefly describe some of the major scientific accomplishment

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Reference no: EM133350345

Roll, J.M. (2014) Behavioral pharmacology. In McSweeney F.K., Murphy ES (eds) Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Operant and Classical Conditioning. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.

Question 1. What is behavioral pharmacology?

Question 2. Briefly describe some of the major scientific accomplishments that come from the behavioral pharmacology research.

Question 3. Describe Thorndike's Law of Effect and how this relates to behavioral pharmacology.

Question 4. What are drug discrimination studies? Why have researchers investigated discrimination in drugs? How is this important for the applied/clinical setting?

Question 5. Discuss modern behavioral pharmacology and what more recent research has been focusing on.

Question 6. What is the difference between behavioral pharmacology and psychopharmacology? Are they both important? Why or why not?

Question 7. Discuss translational research in behavioral pharmacology and how is it important. Why do you think there is more translational research in this area than any other area in our field?

Question 8. Discuss at least two clinical applications of behavioral pharmacology.

Greenwald, M. K. (2008). Opioid abstinence reinforcement delays heroin lapse during buprenorphine dose tapering. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 41, 603-607.

Question 1 What were the researchers investigating in this study? Describe the IV and DV of the study.

Question 2. Explain how they chose participants for their study and why they chose them. What was important about this criteria?

Question 3. Describe how they used contingency management in their study. What did the researchers use as reinforcement and what was the contingency?

Question 4. What were the major findings that the researchers found? What were the implications that the researchers found? List a couple more and discuss areas for future research.

Van Haaren, F. (2016). The behavioral pharmacology of prescription drugs: Their role in problem behavior and skill acquisition. Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice, 16(4), 190-199.

Question 1 Describe some side effects of antipsychotics, antidepressants and psychomotor stimulants and how affect problem behavior?

Question 2. How administration of prescription drugs may affect motivational variables and interfere with the acquisition of adaptive behaviors?

Question 3. How administration of prescription drugs may come to serve as discriminative stimuli and interfere with the acquisition of adaptive behaviors?

Question 4. How administration of prescription drugs may serve as positive and negative reinforcers and interfere with the acquisition of adaptive behaviors?

Question 5. How administration of prescription drugs may come to function as setting events and interfere with the acquisition of adaptive behaviors?

Reference no: EM133350345

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