Briefly describe how your machine works

Assignment Help Theory of Computation
Reference no: EM131312963

Question 1) Consider the following language Lλ = { <M> | M does NOT accept the empty string λ}. Prove that this language is not RE.

You MUST do this via a reduction using Lnd. That is, show that if there exists an accepting TM for Lλ then an acceptor for Lnd could be built.

Remember that Lnd = { <M> | <M> ∉ L(M)}. Be sure to show your ProgX (AKA Mx) program that is fed into the assumed accepting TM for Lλ.

Question 2) Consider the following language. L2 = { <M> : 1000010 ∈ L(M)} that is the language of encodings of all TMs that accept the string 1000010. This language is RE but non-recursive. Prove this by first describing in English a machine to accept L2 and then reducing Ld to L2. Note: Ld = { <M> | <M> ∈ L(M)} machines that accept their own encoding.

To solve this problem assume a recursive TM exists for L2 (one that halts on all inputs) and show how to construct a recursive TM for Ld using it. Again, be sure to show your Mx program contents.

Question 3) Describe a TM that solves the following acceptance problem. Provide a brief but complete English description of how the machine works.

L = { aNbM | N,M >= 1 and M > N }

Question 4) What programX would you use to prove that the following language is undecidable? (undecidable is the same as not Recursive). That is, show me the program you would need to perform a reduction.

L = { <M> | L(M) is Recursive but neither Regular nor Context-Free}

Question 5) Draw the transition diagram for a TM that accepts the following language L = { w | w contains twice as many 1's as 0's}. Please briefly describe HOW your machine operates in a general sense.

Question 6) Draw the transition diagram for a TM that accepts the following language. Briefly describe how your machine works.

L = { w | w begins and ends in the same symbol (0 or 1)}

Question 7) For each of the following languages, indicate if they are Regular, Context-free, Recursive, R.E. (Recursively Enumerable), or Non-RE. NOTE - if a language falls into more than one category then it should be placed into the most restrictive - for example, the language { 00, 11, 000, 111} is regular, context-free, recursive and R.E but regular is the most restrictive and thus that is the correct answer.

a. ∅ (empty language)

b. 0N1N0N

c. WW | W ∈ (0 + 1 )*

d. WWR | W ∈ (0 + 1 )* and WR is W in reverse

e. <M> | 0000 ∈ L(M)

f. <M> | L(M) is a CFL

g. ∑*

h. L = { w | w ∈ ( 0 + 1 )* AND |w| ≤ 7 }

i. W | W == WR (language of palindromes)

j. <M> | <M> ∉ L(M)

Reference no: EM131312963

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Help needed with homework problems. pleas review these slides and work . Please deliver it on time and carefully. Thank You. If you dont complete this i will be in big trouble. please kindly do the work carefully.

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