Briefly describe each of your key tasks or activities

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM13998698

1.       Briefly describe each of your key tasks or activities that relate to your accounting major(s). For each key task or activity, identify and briefly explain a comprehensive range of theories, concepts, models, frameworks and/or technical competencies from your major(s) and discuss how they could apply. 

  • Preparation of GST return

ü  Describe

ü  Identify and explain comprehensive range of theories, concepts, models, frameworks and/or technical competencies from your accounting major(s)

ü  Discuss how they could apply

  • Preparation PAYE returns

ü  Describe

ü  Identify and explaincomprehensive range of theories, concepts, models, frameworks and/or technical competencies from your accounting major(s)

ü  Discuss how they could apply

  • Collation and preparation of income and rental statements

ü  Describe

ü  Identify and explaincomprehensive range of theories, concepts, models, frameworks and/or technical competencies from your accounting major(s)

ü  Discuss how they could apply


  • Completion of paper work for trading clients to support financial statements

ü  Describe

ü  Identify and explaincomprehensive range of theories, concepts, models, frameworks and/or technical competencies from your accounting major(s)

ü  Discuss how they could apply

  • Preparation of income tax returns

ü  Describe

ü  Identify and explaincomprehensive range of theories, concepts, models, frameworks and/or technical competencies from your accounting major(s)

ü  Discuss how they could apply

2.       Explain your understanding and provide an example of:

  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Ethics and business
  • Sustainability 
  • Globalisation

ü  It is fine to quote definition but make sure you give your understanding as well.

ü  Examples need to relate to accounting industry or my organisation (D'Mello Chartered Accountants)

Please write 2 page for Question 1 and 1.5 page for Question 2
APA Referencing

Reference no: EM13998698

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