Briefly describe a leadership role you could be playing

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Reference no: EM133596786

Problem I. Briefly describe a leadership role you could be playing in the future. It could be anything from leading a committee, to supervising, community organizing or even CEO. Just make it a role on your projected leadership journey. Then put together a list of at least five (5) managerial practices that a future you leader should be knowledgeable of to get others to complete the activities necessary for implementing the vision. List them in order of preference. Discuss briefly why these as important.

Problem II. When we are leading, we are leading change. Individuals must change if groups, teams, committees, communities, or organizations are to change. Consider a leadership role you now play and or one you might hold in the future. Using Kotter's 8 steps, discussed in Chapter 10, and design a plan for a change that you want you followers to implement. Use your leaderships strengths and any tools or ideas you've picked up from the readings or PowerPoints. Remember, leadership is situational, so gear your plan for the situation.

Problem III. Put together a list of at least five managerial practices a leader should be knowledgeable of for getting others to complete those tasks necessary for implementing a vision. As management and leadership are situational, discuss very briefly what they are leading. List the practices in order of preference. Discuss why you see these as important.

Reference no: EM133596786

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