Briefly compare the results to the unvaccinated results

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133255942

Case: The simulation with the presence of a vaccine. In this step we vaccinated a certain percentage of the population against Influenza. This represents a real-life scenario, where the country vaccinates a certain portion of its population against the expected influenza strains for that year.

The data is simulated from a big city full of lots of people that move around regularly to go to work, run errands, etc.. For this environment, the parameters are high population and high mixing. Predict what will happen at 50% and 90% vaccination

1. State your predictions here for 50% and 90% vaccination.

2. Briefly describe how your predictions related to the actual results.


3. Briefly compare the results to the unvaccinated results. Does a vaccine have an effect on the disease? Does the percent vaccinated matter?

4. Seeing these results, would you want to get a vaccine for Impfluenza? Why or Why not?

Reference no: EM133255942

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