Brief synopsis or plot summary of the film - baby driver

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Reference no: EM131895146

Introduction to Communication FILM ANALYSIS PROJECT

Need to do film analysis. Movie name is baby driver.

OBJECTIVE: Imagine that you and your group are a consulting firm that specializes in the subject of Relational Communication, and hired your firm to observe several relationships between certain individuals. Using what you have learned throughout this course, your firm to analyze behaviors (of chosen characters in the film), as they relate to relational communication. The dialogue or interactions you select and analyze will be from a film of your choice.


Your presentation should include a BRIEF synopsis or plot summary of the film and a description of your chosen characters for analysis.

You must analyze a minimum of 3 relationships from your chosen film, mapping each relationship's relational development via their communication.

Use terminology from the readings, and link these concepts to specific examples of dialogue and the interaction between characters from the film. Include adequate detail to demonstrate your overall comprehension of these relational communication concepts. Each individual must include and discuss at least 2 concepts from the following options:


  • The process of perception - selecting information; schemas; challenges with schemas
  • Perceptual barriers - stereotyping; prejudice, ethnocentrism


  • self-concept
  • self-fulfilling prophecy
  • self-disclosure
  • self-presentation: perceived self and presenting self


  • The smell of love (Furlow reading)
  • Nonverbal communication codes (Hecht et all reading)
  • Types of Nonverbal Communication (appearance, kinesics, gestures, occulesics, facial expressions, haptics, paralanguage, proxemics, chronemics, olfactics)
  • Purposes of NV Communication (repeating, substituting, complementing, accenting, regulating, contradicting, deceiving)

Interpersonal Communication

  • Interpersonal attraction - proximity, similarity
  • Content and Relational Messages (affinity, respect, immediacy, control)
  • Uncertainty Reduction Theory
  • Relational Dialectics Theory - autonomy vs. connection; predictability vs. novelty; privacy vs. openness
  • Mark Knapp's Developmental Model of Relational Development - initiating; exploratory; intensification; integrating; bonding; declining due to: uncertainty events/interference/unmet expectations; repair tactics; termination; reconciliation
  • Self-disclosure (Social Penetration Model and the Johari Window)
  • Conflict triggers - inaccurate perceptions; incompatible goals; unbalanced costs and rewards
  • Confirming / Disconfirming Messages (Distancing tactics)
  • Gottman's Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (criticizing, contempt, defensiveness, stonewalling)
  • Approaches to Conflict (Nonassertive, Indirect, Passive, Direct Aggression, Assertive)
  • Conflict Resolution Outcomes - compromise; win-win; lose-lose; win-lose (separation)

Small Group Communication

  • Group Development (forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning)
  • Types of Roles (formal / informal) - Functional roles (task, social / maintenance, antigroup)
  • Types of leaders (Directive, Participative, Supportive, Achievement oriented)
  • Methods to increase group cohesion - Cohesive goals
  • Groupthink

Film Analysis Outline -

I. Brief synopsis or plot summary of the film

II. Description of chosen characters for analysis

III. Analysis of the 3 character relationships

A. Analysis of the relationship between ______ and ______.

B. Analysis of the relationship between ______ and ______.

C. Analysis of the relationship between ______ and ______.


Need to do Part 3 and conclusion from the project criteria file.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM131895146

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Brief synopsis or plot summary of the film - baby driver : CMST&101 Introduction to Communication FILM ANALYSIS PROJECT. Need to do film analysis. Movie name is baby driver
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3/10/2018 12:00:47 AM

We need to do film analysis. Movie name is baby driver. We need to complete it in the document with name solutions.docx. Zootopia file is an example. We need to do Part 3 and conclusion from the project criteria file. This final assignment is worth 100 points (i.e., 100 points presentation; 15 points outline – serves as Discussion 9). There will be 3 to 4 students to a group. Film choice must be made by Monday.


3/10/2018 12:00:41 AM

The delivery time allotted for this speech is 20 minutes per group. You and your group must turn in one, complete sentence outline on Monday 5th via Canvas by 11:59 p.m. Additional outline guidelines will be provided to you at a later time. Citations from the text and film should be delivered orally (spoken out loud) in the presentation, where needed. Presentation (audio/visual) aids must be used to enhance your presentation. Only ONE PowerPoint/ visual file PER group.


3/10/2018 12:00:35 AM

Presenters should speak for approximately the same amount of time. Presenters should also be well prepared and practice techniques for effective presentations (good eye contact, appealing gestures, clear projection, varied tone, etc.). An extemporaneous delivery should be executed (No reading! Communicate with your audience, not at your audience). Presentations should be engaging and demonstrate thoughtfulness. You will need to work outside of class developing content and practicing the delivery of your presentation. However, we will have group work time built into our class time.

Write a Review

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