Brief introduction to the article

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Reference no: EM131522872

Article Critique

You are to choose an article from the CSU Online Library database. The article may cover a topic presented in this unit. The article itself must be more than one page in length.

Some suggested topics include:

  • environmental case studies,
  • environmental toxicology,
  • environmental chemistry,
  • environmental exposure to pollutants,
  • persistent chemicals in the environment,
  • environment and toxicology, or
  • pollution and health effects.

The assignment must include the following components:

1. a brief introduction to the article,

2. a summary and analysis of the key points of the article,

3. a decision on whether or not the article supports the concepts as presented in the textbook, and

4. a summary of the article's conclusions and your own opinions.

The assignment must be a minimum of two pages but no more than four pages in length, double-spaced, and in APA style. Ensure you use APA references and in-text citations in your critique.

Reference no: EM131522872

Questions Cloud

Concepts of robustness and design for quality : Describe the Taguchi Methods for experimental design and how the concepts of robustness and design for quality are integrated into this method of experimental.
Why companies should act in a socially responsible manner : Which one of the following is not a part of the business case for why companies should act in a socially responsible manner?
Is there a difference between two values of k : Analyze the digital structure of Figure and determine its transfer function H(z) = Y(z)/X(z).
How is the situation interpreted in canada : How is the pet n, event or theme interpreted in the He Minute? What is the messaging? at is the key takeaway that we are asked to accept?
Brief introduction to the article : You are to choose an article from the CSU Online Library database. a summary and analysis of the key points of the article
What are the range of values of the multiplier coefficients : Analyze the digital filter structure of figure where all multiplier coeffcients are real and determine the transfer function H(z) = Y(z)/X(z).
Effect on maintaining the culture of the organization : In my opinion, the mechanism with the biggest effect on maintaining the culture of the organization is the projects that the corporate branch attempts.
Support for a successful information technology : Write a one page summary about the importance of top management team support for a successful information technology project.
Develop a cause and effect diagram : Cause and Effects Diagram were discussed on the video this week. Develop a Cause and Effect Diagram that pertain to the development and launch.


Write a Review

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