Brief design of an office building over a two-story car park

Assignment Help Civil Engineering
Reference no: EM132078111 , Length: 30 pages


Brief Design of an office building over a two-story car park

1.0 Project Brief and Client's Requirements

The structure is to provide an office building over a two-story car park. The client, a company engaged in regeneration of inner city sites, has commissioned an initial structural design from a firm of consulting engineers. You must respond as if you are part of the consultant's team.

The new development is to be constructed on a brownfield site on the periphery of a southern town in a SriLankan city. The brief requires off street parking and the incorporation of main office building above the two level floors car park.

Site density and economic factors determine that parking be provided in a two-storey car park with an office building above. The project developer has commissioned an initial structural design from a firm of consulting engineers.

The car park/ office building is to be rectangular in plan, with residential blocks adjoining on east and west sides (Figure 1). The car park/office building and the adjoining residential blocks are to be structurally independent. No columns may be placed within 4.0m of the boundary between car park and residential blocks, nor may any foundations extend beyond the site boundary. Access to the office building floor users will be via a pedestrian link to the residential blocks at roof level and from the lifts in the car park area. Roof level is to be at approximately 15.Om (max.) to tie in with residential floor levels (Figure 2). The lift/stair core will provide car park access, office building and service access to the roof area.

The office building is in the top floor with a common proper reception office. Only one row of columns with 4 m centre-to-centre spacing are allowed to be incorporated in the in the top floor. The roof level is to be surrounded by a 2.5m high parapet.

Access to car parking is from the main access road to the south of the development at ground level. A service road borders the building to the north. Each parking bay is to a minimum clear width of 2.4m and a length of 4.8m. In addition, 6 disabled bays 3.2m wide are to be provided at ground floor level. Vehicle aisles and ramps are to have a minimum width of 6.0 m for two-way flow and the ramp gradient must not exceed 1 in 7. A minimum clear floor-to-ceiling height of 3.0m is required. No structures or services are permitted to intrude into vehicle zones. The layout adopted should maximize the number of parking spaces available.

Steel-glazed cladding panels and parapet walls will be used on north and south elevations It is expected that these will have both an aesthetic and protective role.

2.0 Design data:

Verification of structural viability should be carried out in accordance with current Eurocodes. You should clearly state the documents used in support of calculations. Materials specifications should be defined to current BS EN Standards. Fire resistance of minimum one hour is required

2.1 Loadings:

Dead loads of structural elements: as found.
Cladding: an average value of 1.75kN/m2 of elevation for the Steel-glazed cladding panels and parapet on the northern and southern elevations of the building.

Variable actions (Imposed loadings):

Office building

5.5 kN/m2

Car park and ramps

2.65 kN/m2


4.75 kN/m2

These loadings include an allowance for services. All values are characteristic values

2.2 Site conditions: Exposure conditions:
The site is flat and situated on the periphery of the city. The value of fundamental basic wind velocity, Vbxnap, should be taken as 25 m/sec (approximate value)
Snow and wind loading may be neglected.

Ground conditions:
See borehole logs in the Appendix. Locations of test boreholes are shown on Figure 1. Ground water level should be taken as 1.00 m below ground level.

3.0 Project tasks:
The submission is to comprise four components:
i. A conceptual design report
ii. Appendix 1 containing design calculations for the selected scheme superstructure
iii. Appendix 2 containing the drawings of the selected scheme superstructure
iv. Appendix 3 containing a sustainability appraisal

The submission must not exceed 30 single sided A4 pages and three A3 size drawings.

3.1 Conceptual Design report:

A maximum of 8 pages, of either 1.0 line spaced text in a maximum llpt font, or neatly hand written in black ink, which should include:
i. An appraisal of two distinct and viable design solutions in a steel framed building with composite concrete floors and cased steel columns for the building. Together with their associated beam, column, foundation and wall layouts. The appraisals should comprise sketches of a typical car park floor and of the office building floor level with supporting notes, outlining the intended load transfer mechanisms, framing and stability functions, and some brief notes on construction methodology.
ii. An evaluation of the merits and disadvantages of the two solutions. The evaluation should identify significant differences such as cost or buildability between the two alternatives, and make a recommendation in favour of one solution.
iii. A description of the foundation scheme adopted for the preferred solution, with a rationale for the selection. A fully detailed calculations of wind loads and a fully design for the foundation scheme is not required.
iv. An outline specification for the materials used in top office building finishes
v. An outline specification for composite concrete floors, concrete cased columns solution and reinforcing materials for composite floors as appropriate
vi. A method statement for a safe construction procedure for the building.
vii. A statement on the robustness of the building to avoid disproportionate collapse.
x. After completion of your design, the client acquires to alter the building to include one -story car park at the ground level and two-story office building on the top, and initially proposes to use the existing design for its construction. Write a letter to the client outlining the modifications necessary to the first design to meet the new requirements and its implementations on design, cost and construction time.

3.2 Verification of structural viability:
The verification of structural viability of the selected scheme should be demonstrated in Appendices to the conceptual design report to make up the balance of the report. (The maximum total length of the design report, sustainability appraisal plus Appendix is 30 pages A4.)
The Appendices, and for design solution selected, should contain sufficient hand design calculations to establish the form and size of i) a typical cased column and a typical composite steel floor system including the design of the steel beams. Make sure the design satisfy all the requirements in the relevant code of practices. Entrants should decide how best to convey this information within the space constraints imposed.

Calculations for individual elements should enable a checker to dearly understand their contribution to the strength and stability of the whole structure, and the load paths assumed. Hence, if computer output is presented validation by (anormimate) hand calculations is also required. Consideration should be given to performance at both Serviceability and Ultimate limit States.

Outline the procedure to be adopted for testing the water tightness of the roof and the remedial action to be taken should minor leaks be evident (maximum I page).

Note: calculations are not required for wind loads, stairs, cladding, foundations and parapet components, and protective barriers in the car park.

3.3 Drawings:
A total of three A3 drawings should be included. Drawings may be prepared using appropriate CAD software, or by hand. In either case, notes and dimensions should not be smaller than the equivalent of an llpt font. Refer to the UK steel designer manual and detailing in the preparations of the drawings.

Two of the A3 drawings should be used to present general arrangements, sections and elevations of the building to show the layout, bracing, disposition and dimensions of structural elements for estimation purposes. Drawings should be to an appropriate scale and must be dimensioned. Reinforcement details should not be shown on these two drawings, as it should be included in the design calculations section. Use neat and fully annotated hand sketches to show the element details and or the steel reinforcements.

The third drawing should show the detail of; beams, slabs, columns and at the junction between concrete composite floor and columns, the detail of the fixing arrangement for a precast steeTglazed cladding panels; together with sketches and notes as appropriate to describe the completed construction. The sketches should be approximately to scale and be fully dimensioned.

3.4 Sustainability appraisal:
Effective maintenance of constructed assets to maintain them in serviceable condition is a key aspect of sustainable construction as well as in control of life cycle costs. The client therefore requires a user manual for the building, to be transmitted to the asset maintenance manager, outlining the steps to be taken to monitor and maintain the structure in serviceable condition_ Prepare a bullet list of contents of the user manual (maximum two pages) covering all significant issues to be addressed in a maintenance plan for the composite concrete floor-cased columns, indicating the intervals at which monitoring of each item should be undertaken. (The user manual for the structure is not to cover items of plant or services.)

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM132078111

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