Brief description of your professional or societal issue

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Reference no: EM132203898

Discussion - Leadership Theory and Process

Initially, the concept of leadership focused on an individual who organized a group of people to achieve a goal. Today, however, leadership is depicted in a different way. The field focuses not only on an individual leader, but also on members, supervisors, and followers representing a spectrum of diversity. During the evolution of leadership, several theories, models, and perspectives have emerged. As a human and social services professional, it is important to consider how different theories, models, and perspectives of leadership might be used to achieve professional and societal goals.

To prepare: Consider the issue you selected for your Capstone Project (Homeless women and their children) (Organization is Natasha House, Inc.). Select a leadership theory, model, or perspective and think about how it might be applied to your issue.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post a brief description of your professional or societal issue and the leadership theory, model, or perspective you selected. Then, explain why you chose that theory, model, or perspective, and explain how it might be applied to your issue. Be specific, and use processes of that theory, model, or perspective to illustrate your point.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

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Reference no: EM132203898

Questions Cloud

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