Brief description of the law or issue

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM1329383

Topic: Equal Pay: The United States has not yet achieved equal pay in the workplace. Explain and evaluate the factors that contribute to this situation and offer a well reasoned and supported argument about whether this should be a priority for organizations operating in an increasingly competitive global marketplace. Use the format below to address the issue.

1. Summary of Law: Brief description of the law or issue (and who is affected/covered by it)

2. Relevance & Importance: Well supported explanation of how and why this legal issue is important for you and your colleagues as current or future managers.

3. Ethical Challenge(s): Brief discussion of at least one potential ethical concern associated with this law or legal issue, including your reasoning and a specific illustrative example.

4. Practical Implications: Analysis of the implications for managers/leaders and their organizations if the law or legal issue is not adequately understood, prevented and/or properly managed. Include here issues related to trust if applicable.

5. Recommendations for Managers: A set of well supported practical recommendations you can use yourself or give to a new manager. Each recommendation must be derived from your earlier discussion. Incorporate attention to justice rules (see Colquitt et al, Table 7-2) as appropriate.

6. Suggested Resources: Reliable resources managers might consult should they confront this issue.

Reference no: EM1329383

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