Brief description of the company

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM131505289

Project - Assessment

A. Project question

A major multinational corporation has appointed you as an economic advisor. You are requested to compile a report regarding the macroeconomic environment in two countries where the firm operates and explain how it might affect the company's economic activity.

B. Project specifications

1. You may choose to focus your analysis on any existing firm with international activity that can be of different types in the two countries.
2. The two countries must be chosen from section C below as follows: one country from List 1 and one country from List 2.
3. Your report must include:

a. A brief description of the company and the product/market it operates in for both countries.
b. An analysis of the market structure in which your company operates for the two countries.
c. A comparative analysis of all major macroeconomic indicators (see section D below, excluding 5 and 8) for the two countries and their overall impact on firm's economic activity.
d. An analysis of the monetary and fiscal policy (instruments) for the two countries and their impact on the firm's economic activity. You must include here an analysis of the interest rates (Section D, indicator 5).
e. An analysis of the foreign trade policy instruments (international trade agreements) for the two countries and their impact on firm's economic activity. You should include here an analysis of the exchange rates (Section D, indicator 8).

C. Country Lists

D. Macroeconomic indicators to be analysed (the last available 10 years):

1. GDP growth rate
2. GDP per capita at constant prices
3. Inflation rate (CPI)
4. Unemployment rate (ILO measure)
5. Interest rate (Monetary Policy Rate)
6. General government balances (% of GDP)
7. Balance of Payments (% of GDP)
8. Exchange rates (National Currency/USD OR National Currency/Euro)

Verified Expert

The same has been prepared in word file. We have taken Coca-Cola as our company for research. We have discussed on following aspects in this paper: BUSINESS OVERVIEW PURPOSE OF THE REPORT Analysis of Market Structure in USA Analysis of Market Structure in India Comparative Analysis of Macroeconomics of USA & India Analysis of Monetary and Fiscal Policy Analysis of Foreign Trade Instruments

Reference no: EM131505289

Questions Cloud

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Identify which principles accompany each step : Extended Learning Exercise. Bad news: You have just wrecked your car! You need another car immediately because you have decided that walking, riding a bike.
Develop a product that can be marketed world-wide : Develop a product that can be marketed world-wide. You know that is one of their main concerns.
What are your views on assimilation : What are your views on Assimilation? Should people who migrate to a new country/society feel obligated to assimilate the culture of their host country?
Brief description of the company : SOE11440 Marketing within the Global Economy - A major multinational corporation has appointed you as an economic advisor.
Discuss other factors in addition to productivity : "What you do at work is your boss' business" is a timely warning for all employees to heed. Last year, your company installed a new computer surveillance.
Evaluate where the organization excels in design thinking : analyze the organization's effectiveness in design thinking and innovation. Evaluate where the organization excels in design thinking.
Analyze the broad range of talent management efforts : Describe and analyze the broad range of talent management efforts that use software applications to help you Director to make an educated decision.
Why some firms choose not to expand internationally : Determine why, given the advantages of international diversification, some firms choose not to expand internationally.



7/31/2017 6:02:50 AM

Hello, Thank you particularly for the paper, I should concede that I was suspicious about this anticipate, however I am happy to have utilized your service. I have another assignment coming up, double the length, and I am sure that I will enlist to help me with it. Much thanks to you by.


7/18/2017 6:41:14 AM

In my opinion you should be more careful with references and they should be strictly in APA format. Also, take good care for the fiscal policy analysis - that should be added. Beside that, the implications for the firm should be well developed. Do not forget to add the subheading and yes add to the discussion


5/23/2017 7:16:16 AM

Please see attached assignment and example of what is required. Please confirm cost, etc. I would like to submit this assignment by mid June.D. Macroeconomic indicators to be analysed (the last available 10 years): 1. GDP growth rate 2. GDP per capita at constant prices 3. Inflation rate (CPI) 4. Unemployment rate (ILO measure) 5. Interest rate (Monetary Policy Rate) 6. General government balances (% of GDP) 7. Balance of Payments (% of GDP) 8. Exchange rates (National Currency/USD OR National Currency/Euro)


5/23/2017 7:15:50 AM

E. Project 1 Submission Guidelines Length 2,500 words, +/- 10% (excluding tables, graphs, footnotes and references) Presentation Arial 12 fonts, 1 ½ spacing, justified text References A minimum of 20 references using APA Referencing Style (textbooks, official data and information sources) CRITERIA WEIGHTS Brief description of the company and analysis of the market structure in which the company operates for the two countries 20% Data collection, comparative analysis of major macroeconomic indicators and impact on firm’s economic activity 25% Analysis of the monetary, fiscal and foreign trade policy for the two countries and their impact on firm’s economic activity 40% Report structure, presentation and references 15%

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