Brand must stand out strategically to attract attention

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Reference no: EM133576201


A brand must stand out strategically to attract attention, differentiate from competitors, and build a strong identity. Standing out strategically is crucial for a brand to grab attention from potential customers in a crowded market. By differentiating themselves, brands can highlight their unique value proposition and impose a lasting impression in the minds of consumers. Finally building a strong identity can establish credibility, and ultimately drive customer loyalty.

In which ways does the brand...say.... Adidas - stand out strategically?

1. What niche, if any, has the company, Adidas created (or found) in order to become strategically successful?

2. In terms of accessibility, is Adidas available to the vast majority of its target market?

3. Does the company (Adidas) have any internet presence?

Is the company involved in e-commerce?

Does the company have a mobile app?

Are there any membership/loyalty programs which Adidas hosts?

4. Is Adidas involved in charity work? If so, what forms?

Reference no: EM133576201

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