Reference no: EM13801873
Description: Rock, Paper, Scissors
The purpose of this exercise is to give you an opportunity to practice using cin to handle user keyboard inputs, use branching statements to control the flow of a program, and work on your C++ programming style.
In this exercise, you will implement a rock-paper-scissors game. The computer will select rock, paper, or scissors randomly (and of course not reveal this selection to the player). The player will then enter 1 for Rock, 2 for Paper, or 3 for Scissor for her or his selection. Then the program will let the player know if she or he won. At the end of each round, allow the player to choose whether or not she or he wants to continue playing.
You must implement/include the following features in addition to the game play:
-keep count of the number of times the player won and lost -- when the player chooses to stop playing, display these counts
-keep a count of the number of times the player selects to play rock, scissors, and paper
-implement the computer's selection as a random integer
-work on your C++ programming style
-use boolean expressions
-use branching statements to control the flow of a program.