Bradley bradshaw housewarming dinner party

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Reference no: EM133338080

Pete Maverick was invited to his friend Bradley Bradshaw's housewarming dinner party. The dinner party took place in the wooden cabin located in the garden of Bradley's new home. When Pete arrived at the party, he did not know any of the guests, so he went for a wander around Bradley's new house, thinking he wouldn't mind. Pete walked into the kitchen and noticed a rare Army medal on the kitchen table; he went to the mirror by the door and pinned the medal on the lapel of his suit. Penny, Bradley's wife, shouts from the garden to all guests that dinner is ready. Pete hears Penny, takes the medal off quickly and puts it in his pocket, intending to put it back on the kitchen table after a quick visit to the bathroom. On his way to the bathroom, Pete spots a beautiful model aircraft in a glass cabinet in one of the bedrooms. He walks into the bedroom and tries to open the cabinet, but it is locked. Desperate to look at the aircraft, Pete tries to force the cabinet door open, and cuts his finger. He runs to the bathroom to clean the wound on his finger. Pete manages to find a plaster and heads back to the wooden cabin in the garden with the medal still in his pocket.

During the dinner, Bradley starts telling his guests about his missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. Bored of hearing the same stories again, Pete decides to get a drink from the makeshift bar in the cabin. He asks for a mojito and the waiter tells him that he needs to go into the house to get more limes. While Pete waits for his drink to be made, he spots some miniature bottles of gin behind the bar. He unhooks the No Entry - Staff Only chain, goes behind the bar and swiftly slips three bottles into his pocket. Pete then returns to the other side of the bar and waits for the waiter to prepare his cocktail. Pete subsequently returns to the table with his drink.

At the end of the meal, Bradley asks his guests if they would like to have a tour of his new home. Pete declines because he needs to get going as he has an early start the next day. Pete leaves the cabin and waits for his Uber inside the tent that Bradley's catering team put up for the event in his garden. Pete notices some Air Pods on the floor of the tent, he puts them in his suit pocket and proceeds to leave the tent when a car pulls up in the drive. Pete is stopped by Bradley and his chef Goose, who has tracked his Air Pods via his iPhone. Upon taking the Air Pods out of his pocket, the army medal slips out and falls on the floor. Bradley sees the medal and asks Pete for an explanation. A few moments later the police arrive, following an alert they had received on their system that the alarmed glass cabinet in Bradley's bedroom had been tampered with. CCTV footage in the hallway showed Pete running out of the room with a bloody finger. Pete is consequently asked to empty his pockets of all contents.

Advise Pete as to his liability for burglary charges. Apply the relevant sections of the 1968 Theft Act and Robbery to each part of the scenario. The word count expected is 1,000.

Reference no: EM133338080

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