Bowel due to extensive metastatic cancer

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133667161


A patient in the oncology unit was admitted after a low anterior pelvic resection of the bowel due to extensive metastatic cancer. Today's lab values include WBC 16.8 with 20 bands, PLT 25, D-dimer 6250. The nurse notices bruising on the patient's arms and legs. What diagnosis does the nurse suspect?

Reference no: EM133667161

Questions Cloud

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Bowel due to extensive metastatic cancer : A patient in the oncology unit was admitted after a low anterior pelvic resection of the bowel due to extensive metastatic cancer.
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Analyze percentages of revenues from consulting services : FIN 620- Analyze percentages of revenues from consulting services, audit services verses other services for your assigned firm compared to the industry;


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