Bottom of the manometer

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Reference no: EM13881615

An open-end mercury manometer is connected to a low-pressure pipeline that supplies a gas to a laboratory. Because paint was spilled on the arm connected to the line during a laboratory renovation, it is impossible to see the level of the manometer fluid in this arm. During a period when the gas supply is connected to the line but there is no gas flow, a Bourdon gauge connected to the line downstream from the manometer gives a reading of 7.5 psig. The level of mercury in the open arm is 900mm above the lowest part of the manometer.

(a) When the gas is not flowing, the pressure is the same everywhere in the pipe. How high above the bottom of the manometer would the mercury be in the arm connect to the pipe?

(b) When gas is flowing, the mercury level in the visible arm drops by 25mm. What is the gas pressure (psig) at thismoment?

2308_bottom of the manometer.png

Reference no: EM13881615

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