Book review - judicial tyranny the new kings of america

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM13258760


Write a 3-5-page book review in APA format (with abstract). The Book is:

Judicial TYRANNY the new kings of America by Mark I. Sutherland (2005) ISBN 0-9753455-6-7

After the abstract, you should begin your review with a solid introduction. This introduction should provide a "road map" of the review, and state your main conclusions up front (this is not a literary piece where you want to keep the audience guessing until the end). You need to grab the audience's attention from the beginning of the review. The beginning of a book review is one of the most important elements, and it sets the tone for the entire review.

It is essential that you write concisely while providing a comprehensive evaluation of the book. Following are some of the elements your review should contain:

• The title and author of the book you are reviewing.
• The author's audience and objective.
• The author's main arguments/contentions.
• Your evaluation of the author's support for the arguments presented.
• Identify outside sources that support or refute the author's conclusions.
• Assessment of the strengths and shortcomings of the book.
• Whether the book changed the way you think about the subject?
• How the book compares with the course materials on the topic.
• Your conclusions about the value of the book.

You will want to use specific references from the book to illustrate your evaluation; however, you do not want your review to be a string of lengthy quotations. You will want to use quotations sparingly, and use ellipses (the "..." that indicates the omission of preceding or following material irrelevant to the author's point) to quote the most relevant portions. You also need do some research on the issues presented in the book. When you do use a quotation from the book, or any other outside material, be sure to put them in quotation marks and cite your sources in APA format.

Reference no: EM13258760

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Book review - judicial tyranny the new kings of america : You need to grab the audience's attention from the beginning of the review. The beginning of a book review is one of the most important elements, and it sets the tone for the entire review.
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