Reference no: EM132932530
Metabolism Discussion
Discussion Board I want you to choose one of the following topics to explain. This is less of a discussion, and more of a way I can gather that you understand the material. For each of the topics, you need to think about and discuss these questions.
• Where to the Macros come into the metabolic process?
• Tell me each step they take through the pathway.
• How does one molecule become another?
• Use the terms needed correctly (glycolysis, beta-oxidation, lipolysis, glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, glycogenesis, lipogenesis, etc)
• And what ultimately becomes of those macros?
1. Explain how the body metabolizes carbohydrates and protein in the fed state.
2. Explain how the body metabolizes carbohydrates and fat in the fed state.
3. Explain how the body metabolizes carbohydrates and amino acids in the short term fasting states (prior to using up all your glycogen).
4. Explain how the body metabolizes fats in the fasting state once you have used up all your glycogen stores.