Board of managing directors of liberty enterprises

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133170859

Michael Norton is the president of Liberty Enterprises, a large MNE based in Singapore that makes computers and related peripherals. The firm has many subsidiaries around the world. Demand for Liberty's products has been growing in Asia and Europe, especially in Indonesia, Japan, France, and Spain.

Michael has always used external sources to finance the firm's working capital needs. Currently, with rapidly expanding business, he needs to access more working capital.

Michael has to give a presentation to the Board of Managing Directors of Liberty Enterprises to explain how he access more working capital. The presentation should a) cover the following questions and b) be the basis for a board decision to support the working capital proposal from Michael.

What is your proposal how Michael access working capital though intra-corporate sources? Please answer this question based on given information. and please answer it compeltely.

Reference no: EM133170859

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