Blood donation system

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Reference no: EM133220481

Blood Donation System

The blood donation center is responsible for managing the donations process as it is received from the donor until it is sent to the distribution office.

First the blood center worker will enter the donor's general information like name and birthdate then the system will create an account for the donor and generate an id if it was the first donation by the donor. Next, the donor will give the donation and the worker will create new record of the donation in the system by entering the donor's ID. Then the donation will be sent to a testing unit. The testing unit will conduct tests on the donation and sends the blood donation along with test results to the processing office, which will fill a form for the donation if they pass the test and finally sends the blood units and forms to the distribution office. If the donation failed the test, the processing office will destroy the donation and will notify the worker. Please note that the donor must at least be 18 years old otherwise the system won't accept the donations.

For this case, develop the following diagrams:

1. A domain model class diagram

2. A use case diagram

3. SSDs for three use cases

4. A first-cut sequence diagram for each of the above use cases including both view and data access layers.

5. An integrated design class diagram that includes classes, methods, and navigation attributes.

Reference no: EM133220481

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