Reference no: EM132633097
Blood Case Study and Questions
Justin, a 13 year old pale looking boy was brought to the doctor's office for consultation. His mother stated that Justin does not want to play with his friends. Recently, his mother had noticed that Justin has to stop to catch his breaths when he runs or plays basketball. Upon further questioning, the mother stated that Justin is reluctant to eat anything and complains of generalized weakness, lethargy and pain in his legs.
Upon examination his physician found that he has tachycardia (HR > 100 BPM), pale gums and nail beds. The physician suspected that Justin is Anemic and ordered a detailed blood work.
Justin blood test results are as follows:
RBC- 3.5 million/mm3
WBC- 5500/mm3
Hgb- 7 gm/dl
HCT- --30%
Serum Iron- low
Justin was sent home with medication and dietary advice.
Justin's microscopic picture of blood
Normal Blood smear
1. Based on this case study what is the likely cause of Anemia in this patient?
2. Name different types and causes of anemia.
3. Explain the size, shape and functions of normal red blood cells.
4. Compare the microscopic pictures of normal and patient's blood smears.
5. Why patient becomes breathless while running and playing?
6. What is the normal level of RBC and HGB in adult male and female?
7. Why male has higher level of red blood cells then the female?
8. List eight functions of blood.
9. What hormone is required for the formation of red blood cells?
10. What is the most likely medication given to this patient, explain how this medication will help him?