BIZ104 Customer Experience Management Assignment

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Reference no: EM132401701 , Length: word count:1750

BIZ104 Customer Experience Management

Assessment - Customer Experience Strategy: Research Outcomes

Learning Outcomes
a) Compare and contrast the emerging concepts and practices that shape the customer experience.
b) Explore customer differentiation in service delivery and identify customer's critical touchpoints that influence an organisation's customer experience strategy
c) Research a customer problem and develop anappropriate customer experience
d) Develop and communicate a customer experience strategy
e) Analyse and apply tools to monitor and evaluate acustomer experience strategy


Customer experience is the perception of an organisation's experience in the eyes of the customer. Building a customer experience strategy to improve customer experiences is important tostrengthen and build long term customer relationships and align the organisation with the needs of the customer This assessment task is designed for you to apply your knowledge and understanding of the key concepts that shape the customer experience.

You are required to conceptualize customers interacting with a product or service across severaltouch points such as in-store, website, mobile, social media and e-mail and will then analyse and communicate how your chosen organisation will manage customer experience(s) towards achieving customer loyalty.

Your aim is to illustrate and communicate a CEM strategy proposing a better serviceoffering

This assessment task provides you with an insight into an activity that maybe part of your job roles in the future.


You are to take the role of consultant for your selected organisation and prepare a report to persuade the management staff to adopt a better approach to managing theircostumers' experience(s).

This assessment involves the following activities:

1. Introduce briefly the organisation you have chosen: the industry it competes in, its background, its service offering and your research objective to improve the customer experience.

2. Describe and discuss your primary research method for your online survey i.e. its planning, design, how you recruited your participants for your online survey and implementation. (You will need to have at least 10 completed customer surveys).

3. Describe and discuss at least 3 secondary research methods carried out (i.e. academic journal articles, book chapters, business reports, organisation's website social media reviews).

4. Apply CEM concepts to identify the challenges and opportunities for achieving acustomer experience that is in line with the organisation's strategic objectives.

5. Identify and differentiate 2 customer segments from research undertaken using personasto illustrate and communicate their unique customer perspectives

6. Take the Voice of the Customer (VOC) and customer feedback obtained from primaryand secondary research into account in forming the customer experience strategy.

7. Connect customer experience maps and alignment diagrams with a business valueproposition for the 2 customer segments identified above.

8. Write a conclusion summarising how your CEM strategy will offer a better service toyour organisation's customers.

9. Add your evidence of research data as an appendix, including the link to your survey withat least 10 completed customer surveys and if applicable screen shots of current social media reviews.

Attachment:- Customer Experience Management.rar

Reference no: EM132401701

Questions Cloud

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BIZ104 Customer Experience Management Assignment : BIZ104 Customer Experience Management Assignment Help and Solution, Laureate International Universities - Assessment Writing Service.
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Explain how you might help megan in the classroom : Explain how you might help Megan in the classroom by supporting her capacity to remember/retain information, enhance her study skills, and organize and process.
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Construct a mission statement analysis report : Select a college or university, and research its mission statement and the website material that relates to the mission. (Material may include the institution).


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