Biography of the theorist-alfred adler

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Reference no: EM13218122

There is one major written assignment for this course, the Research Paper, due in Week Five. In Week Three, an outline of the paper, with a listing of all sources (annotated), will be submitted to the instructor.

Each student will pick one personality theorist featured in the text but not discussed extensively in class. They include: (I HAVE CHOSEN ALFRED ADLER)

Alfred Adler
Gordon Allport
Raymond Cattell and Hans Eyseneck
John Dollard and Neal Miller
David Buss
George Kelly
Carl Rogers
Rollo Reese May
Students will perform in-depth research on their chosen theorist and present his/her findings in an 8 – 10 page paper which will address the following.

A biography of the theorist (four to five paragraphs). The biography portion of the paper should be brief and relevant to the purpose of the paper.
A detailed explanation of the theorist’s most important contribution to the field (what they are best known for) and description of their empirical research methodologies
A critical evaluation of the theory from industry professionals
A personal response to the theory (How does this relate to you in your everyday life?)
This is a formal paper (not a list of responses or bullet-points) in APA format, 8 – 10 pages in length (not counting title page, reference list, or appendices), use of five or more references (other than the textbook and website), and it must reflect the use of course content and critical thinking.

Writing the Research Paper

The Research Paper:

Must be 8 – 10 double-spaced pages in length (excluding the title page, reference page, etc.) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved style guide

Reference no: EM13218122

Questions Cloud

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Can we compose assignment using the sources and topics : The first draft should include the sources you presented in your Annotated Bibliography. If you have made changes to your list of references, cite each new reference carefully both in the text and on the reference page.
Analyze the fit between a systems approach and nursing : Analyze the fit between a systems approach and nursing. Since the systems approach mandates addressing non-medical aspects of patient care, is it useful in an environment of limited resources?
Do you believe smiths actions are ethical : Why would reclassifying period costs and product costs increase this period's reporting earnings and do you believe Smith's actions are ethical?
Biography of the theorist-alfred adler : A biography of the theorist (four to five paragraphs). The biography portion of the paper should be brief and relevant to the purpose of the paper. A detailed explanation of the theorist’s most important contribution to the field (what they are best ..
What is the binary code appearing on the inputs : When a HIGH is on the output of the decoding circuit below, what is the binary code appearing on the inputs?
What is the minimum donor doping required : What is the minimum donor doping required to convert Silicon into a conductor? What is the minimum acceptor doping required to convert Silicon into a conductor?
Explain what constitutes a researchable problem : What constitutes a researchable problem? What are the components of a well formed Problem Statement? What constitutes a reasonable theoretical framework for the need of the study? Write a paper answering the above questions.
What are the design implications for the location : What are the design implications for the location and positioning of solar cells? Explain why the use of solar cells might be more appropriate in some regions of the country.


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