Biogeochemical cycle-flow of energy through an ecosystem

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM13533225

1) the dual origin of the gonad in vertebrates refer to:
a. the contribution of the sperm and egg
b.potential to differentiate into ovary or testes
c. the contributions from somatic cells and germ line cells
d. all of the above
e. a and c only

2)for speacies with 14 chromosomes in each somatic cell which ofthe following are accurate statements?
a.the species is diploid with 7 paired chromosomes
b. the species has 14 different chromosomes
c.each gamete would have 7 pairs of chromosomes
d.all of the above
e. b and c only

3)recessive alleles ina population at hardy-weinbergequilibrium
a.are insignificant
b.remain stable indefinitely
c.are constantly selected against
d.are on a steady increase
e. are on a steady decrease

4)ichthyosaur was an aquatic dinosaur. Fossils show us that it hada dorsal fin and a tail just as fish do, even though closestrelatives were terrestrial reptiles that had neither dorsal finsnor aquatic tails. The similarities between the dorsal fins andtails of ichthyosaur and fish are best described as:
a.homologous and divergent
b.analogous and convergent
c.adaptations to a similar environment
d.both a and c are correct
e. both b and c are correct

5) how does the sexual life cycle increase the genetic variation ina species?
a. by producing gametes with different combinations of the parentalchromosomes integrating sperm and eggs from diff individuals crossing over between homologous maternal and paternalchromosomes
d. all of the above
e. a and c only

6)at which phase of meiosos do the daughter cells becomegenetically distinct from one another and haploid? the completion of meiosis II with the formation of thegametes
b. following the completion of metaphase I in meiosis I the completion of the final mitosis and cytokinesis thatpreceded meisis I
d. following the completion of cytokiniesis that marks the end ofmeiosis I
e. at the completion of S phase that preceded meiosis II

7)which biogeochemical cycle provides the best means for followingthe flow of energy through an ecosystem?
a. nitrogen cycle
b. oxygen cycle
c. carbon cycle
d. water cycle

8)approximate how much energy would be available to a wolf thatpreys upon rabbits if 1,000,000 kcal/square acre is the grossproductivity at the producer level.
a.100,000 kcal/square acre
b.10,000 kcal
c.1,000 kcal
d.100 kcal

9)a symbiotic interaction in which the impact on both species isnegative:
a. predation

10)which of the following terms has the least in common with theothers?
d.photosynthetic capacity

11)which of the following correctly describes the pattern ofextinction followed in marine environments over the past 250million yrs?
a. a constant, uninterrupted rate
b.a steady rate interrupted at the end of the mesozoic era by amass extinction
c.a randomly fluctuating extinction rate that does not imply massextinction
d. steady rate interrupted periodically by mass extinctions

12)recent evolutionary theory places an incresed importance on theprocess of gene duplication.which of the following is not trueregarding gene duplications?
a.they often occur as accidents during meiosis, in association witha process called crossing over
b.they are responsible for prodicing gene families
c.they are an exception to the adage that genetic variation isgenerated unconsciously
d.they represent an example of a cytogenetic change

13)the formation of a land bridge between north and south americaabout three million yrs ago resulted in which of the following?
a.sympatry of marine populations that were previouslyallopatric
b.allopatry of marine populatioin that were previouslysympatric
c.allopatry of terrestrial populations that were previouslysympatric
d.all of the above
e.a and c only

Using stephen J. Goulds 3 evolutionary time tiers, indicate themost appropriate time tier for the following terms: a) tier 1; b)tier 2; c) tier 3; d) not applicable

14.____Genetic Drift
15.____Punctuated equilibrium
16.____Species Selection

17.Part A -in a population that is at hardy-weinberg equilibrium,the frequency of the allele A is 0.3; what is the frquency of asmall a?
Part B- construct a punnett square showing the expected allelicfrequencies for A and a
Part C-what is the percentage of the population that is homozygousfor allele a?
Part D-what is the percentage of the population that isheterozygous for this allele?
Part E-how would an evolutionary biologist determine whether thispopulation is evolving?

Reference no: EM13533225

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