Reference no: EM133138097
BIO508 Advanced Blood Sciences - Solent University
Part A
Question 1: Discuss the principles of at least two immunochemical/chemical techniques used in the diagnosis of blood disorders. Your answer should include discussion on the importance of reference ranges and the significance of near-patient testing.
Question 2: Explain and discuss the risks of haemolytic disease and transfusion transmitted infections and the steps taken to mitigate these risks.
Question 3: Discuss the main types of bleeding disorder and the current approaches used to monitorplatelet aggregation and blood coagulation.
Question 4: Discuss key aspects of at least two types of blood cancer, including the typical age of onset, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.
Question 5:
Discuss the challenges associated with stem cell and bone marrow transplants and the approaches employed to reduce the need for such transplants.
Part B
Candidates are required to answer only ONE question of their choice from this section
Question 6:
A 46-year-oldwoman presented to her GP with a short history of breathlessness and increased bruising.A full blood count revealed she was anaemic with thrombocytopenia and a high lymphocyte count of 58x109/L. The patient's bone marrow morphology is shown below.

a) Please describe and explain the abnormal features shown in FIGURE Q6a.
The patient's bone marrow was then further tested and the following results were obtained.

b) Which diagnostic technique produced the data shown in FIGURE Q6b?
c) Which diagnostic feature, relating to chromosomes 9 and 22, appears in FIGURE Q6b?
c) Please suggest other tests that the laboratory should perform next and explain what these tests might be looking for.
d) What is the likely diagnosis for the patient? Please explain your answer.
e) What further tests are required to complete the diagnosis and/or monitor disease progression?
Question 7:
Patient is an 85-year-old male who feels generally fine and is visiting his doctor for a routine NHS health check. His FBC results are as follows (TABLE Q7):
Reference Range
White blood cells
15.1 × 109/L
4 - 11 × 109/L
139 g/L
130 - 160 g/L
Platelet count
342 × 109/L
150 - 450 × 109/L
3.8 × 109/L
2.0 - 7.5 × 109/L
13.4 × 109/L
1.5 - 4.0 × 109/L
0.6 × 109/L
0.2 - 1.0 × 109/L
0.2 × 109/L
0.0 - 0.5 × 109/L
0.0 × 109/L
0.0 - 0.1 × 109/L
a) Please describe and explain the abnormal features in this FBC - TABLE Q7.
b) Please suggest other tests that the laboratory should perform next and explain your reasoning.
c) What are the diagnostic features that might be found by these tests?
d) What is the likely diagnosis for the patient? Please explain your conclusion.
e) What further tests are required to complete the diagnosisand/or monitor disease progression?