Reference no: EM133783239
Mud Bay's Good Jobs Journey Zeynep Ton and Katie Bach
Since 2014, Mud Bay had increased wages, benefits, and training while also reducing prices. Net profit margins had fallen from 2.18% in 2014 to 1.99% in 2017. "Profit itself is not a goal," Marisa concluded, "but it's critical to our mission."
What Are Organization Development, Transformation, and Change? Organization development (OD) helps people in organizations plan how to deal with changes in their environment. Before we define it more precisely, try the following exercise. Get paper and write down the first thing that comes to your mind in response to each question:
1. Who should be involved in an organization change effort, and how should they be involved?
2. Who should decide about how a change effort of any kind is launched?
Implemented continually? Evaluated?
3. What do you believe about change in the world and today's organizations?
4. What does transformation mean to you?
5. What do you believe are the biggest challenges facing decision makers in organization change efforts?
6. What do you believe are your strengths and developmental needs in enacting the role of helper to others in a change effort? What do you do especially well? What do you wish to develop to become a more effective change agent? On what basis do you believe as you do?
7. When do you believe that a group of people might need an external facilitator in a change effort?
8. Why should OD, transformation, and change be a focus for managers? Other groups?
9. How should change be defined? Marketed? Launched? Implemented? Evaluated?
10. How have you reacted or felt in the past to change in an organization in which you have been employed or to which you have been a consultant?