Biggest challenge for operationalizing strategy

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Reference no: EM133340221

In my organization, the biggest challenge for operationalizing strategy is really figuring out how all the different areas are going to come together and function as a "well-oiled machine". The idea of operationalizing strategy being figuring out how to make all the different areas work, such as financials, the operations framework and other areas can be difficult in a smaller corporation at best. However, in a world wide organization such that I am a part of can be difficult for just one person or department to run. This requires that each area such as the Yuma Sector or the Las Vegas Sector or the Afghanistan Sector (example) be able to run their own operationalizing strategy and report back to the headquarters in how things are going. This means that the organizational goals are in line and everyone understands them as part of the strategy. "Effectively designed organizational goals are aligned; that is, they are consistent and mutually supportive so that the achievement of goals at low levels permits the attainment of high-level goals. Organizational performance depends on how well these interdependent elements are aligned, with individuals, teams, and departments working in concert to attain specific goals that ultimately help the organization achieve high performance and fulfill its mission." (Daft, p.401, 2021)

Reference no: EM133340221

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