Big five personality traits assessment

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133149511


To understand the leadership of an organization, it is necessary to understand the individuals in those roles and how they lead. When you are in a leadership role within an organization, you should be familiar with your own leadership style so you know how best to lead others in the organization. Understanding your leadership personality is an important element when it comes to understanding your individual leadership style.


After taking the Big Five personality traits assessment, reflect on the results. Consider how the assessment captured your traits and personality and how the results can be incorporated into your leadership style and approach. What strengths do your personality traits bring to your leadership style, and what are some of your opportunities for improvement?

Results Summary: Summarize your results of the personality assessment and how you think these elements might help or hinder you as a leader.

Describe Results: Explain what elements of your personality assessment results surprised you, if any, and explain how accurate you felt the results were and why.

Leadership Style: Pick two elements of your results and explain how they impact your leadership style.

Importance of Leadership: Describe how leadership impacts organizations and why it is important to understand this impact.

Reference no: EM133149511

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