Betsy devos as his secretary of education

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM131577218

Do some of your own research and define the following:

  • Vouchers
  • Charter schools
  • Magnet schools

Do you think that the public education system in the U.S. is doing fine, failing or doing very well?

Part 2: 

The issue of school vouchers has been on ongoing debate for many years. However, the debate has sparked greater interest with Trump's selection of Betsy DeVos as his Secretary of Education. 

First watch this PBS Newshour video to get snapshot of some of the issues raised in this debate on school choice. 

There are compelling arguments from both sides of the debate. As an illustration of differing viewpoints watch the following 2 videos:

1) News One Now's "Public vs. Charter Schools: Which is the Best Option for Our Children? here

2) PBS Newhour's segment titled, "Should Public Money be Used for Private Schools?" here Note here that the individual in support of vouchers is the man representing the American Federation for Children. The individual who is against vouchers is the man representing the National Education Association (a teacher union group. Notice the different arguments they each propose and present your observations on the relative strength or weakness of their respective arguments. Then, comment on which view you support.

Finally, please do some external research on this topic and comment on the following:

  1. Why do you think this issue of school choice is one which concerns economists? Why is it an important issue overall? As a parent? As a taxpayer?
  2. What is your own opinion on the issue?

Reference no: EM131577218

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