Best summarizes health reform strategies

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Reference no: EM133598181


1. Which of the following is true about how employer sponsored insurance became the dominant form of health coverage in the United States?

The employer sponsored health insurance model is example of a carefully planned health reform effort where the key stakeholders in the public and private sectors worked together and compromised to help the federal government pass reforms to solve the problems faced by Americas from the growing costs of illness.

Among other factors, the initial successes of the private health insurance companies were possible because of (1) the federal government's efforts in 1942 to control inflation in the wartime economy by limiting employers' freedom to raise wages (and thus to compete on the basis of pay for scarce workers) without limiting the ability of employers to expand benefits for workers; and (2) the decision in 1954 by the IRS that contributions made by employers to the purchase of health insurance for their employees were not taxable as income to workers.

Initially, most employees found the employer-sponsored insurance unaffordable, but overtime it has become more affordable and a successful model for providing adequate coverage for almost all Americans.

None of the above.

2. What statement best summarizes how ERISA has affected private health insurance coverage?

ERISA was not intended specifically to affect employer-sponsored insurance and the health care sector.

ERISA conferred important advantages on self-insured employers (i.e., those that covered their own employees' health care costs), since they were exempted from state regulation of their health care coverage, including laws mandating coverage of certain services, and had an easier time designing new benefit packages, thereby reducing the costs of health insurance for employees of these companies.

ERISA was a simple foundation from which states could build on to enact universal health coverage in their state.

None of the above.

3. Which of the following is true about the Small Business Health Insurance Exchanges?

Most small employers viewed the SHOP's small business tax credit as sufficient incentive to begin offering health coverage.

The SHOPs were intended to allow small employers to shop for and purchase health insurance coverage for their employees and to offer features not typically available to the employees of small employers, such as the ability to choose among multiple health plans.

Employee choice was easy for issuers to implement and explains the SHOPs' initial enrollment successes.

All of the above.

4. Which of the following best summarizes health reform strategies to date given the prominence of employer sponsored insurance?

Reformists feel confident that single payer or Medicare-for-all model will garner sufficient support to trump most American's concerns about their losing employer-sponsored insurance.

Most Americans with employer sponsored insurance view their coverage as not so good or poor, citing rising costs for getting care, which suggests that the time is right to advance reforms designed to generally do away with employer-sponsored insurance.

Most comprehensive health reform strategies (both enacted and proposed) have worked around or built reforms on top of employer-sponsored coverage.

None of the above.

5. Which statement explains the success of the employer-sponsored insurance model?

The price for insurance in the employer market has always been significantly less than buying insurance in the individual market.

It helps spread risk around, especially because larger companies generally provide useful mix of healthy and sick people, helping to spread costs around.

It has resulted in the largest source of health coverage in the United States.

All of the above.

Reference no: EM133598181

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