Best practices in operations strategy

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Reference no: EM132708874

This assessment develops your researching and critical thinking skills. By researching best practices from hotel industry you are able to contrast best practices to further refine your understanding of hotel operations and their associated strategies. This assessment item covers topics and sub-topics 1-3.

Your Task
You will choose three (3) best practices in operations strategy and practices from the global hotel industry and/or hospitality industry. Next, you should research recent industry and academic sources (within the last 5 years) to locate evidence and examples of each best practice to then provide discussion of the implications for hotel sector.

If you are working at this organisation, please make sure NOT to divulge any sensitive information (you may wish to check online what information is made public by the organisation to ensure this). While the scope is reflected by topics 1-3, you are expected to use journal articles (minimum of 6) to support your statements.

Other information about this assessment
Your assignment will be a 1000 words document (referenced in text).This does not include appendix in word count. The submission will form the basis for Assessment 2 - presentation and be structured as follows:

Introduction (50 words) - Introduce the identified three best practices in operations and practices from the global hotel industry and/or hospitality industry and why you selected them.
Best Practices (900 words) - should describe and explain the three best practices using a sub-heading for each issue clearly identifying relevance of that best practice to hotel industry and topics that cover week 1-3.
Conclusion (50 words) - a brief conclusion to summarise contract between best practices for global hotel industry into the future.
Reference List - a list of references - minimum 6 - (industry and academic).
Marking Criteria: A1
Structured Development of research paper (20)
Depth of research/ critical reflection (35)
Understanding of key ideas and concepts (35)
Evidence of support (10)

Reference no: EM132708874

Questions Cloud

What accounts for david problem : David , age 24, is a student majoring in business administration at a large state university in a medium- sized city about 300 miles from the nearest.
Discuss a situation that required several things to be done : Suppose, You have recently applied for a job in a reputed organization and you have been invited to attend an interview session as a part of selection process.
Demonstrate what criteria you used to make your decision : In response to the three new business ideas you developed above, describe the "four steps in the decision-making process" and how a manager could use these.
What should be response of the union to such demands : In a multinational company (MNC) the collective bargaining process was going on. The union puts up its demands to the management. But the management also had.
Best practices in operations strategy : Best practices in operations strategy and practices from the global hotel industry and/or hospitality industry. Next, you should research recent industry
What is the amount of cash provided by operating activities : Jarvis, Inc., What is the amount of cash provided by operating activities for Jarvis, Inc. for the year ended December 31, 2021?
Can we use the strategy to solve the problem : It is mid size fitness equipment manufacturing plant. Firm is facing this problem: Employees are now stating that they believe that they should be getting.
What amount shown for net cash provide by operating activity : Orton Company earned net income of 384,000. What amount will be shown for net cash provided by operating activities for 2021?
What amount is their adjustments to reconcile net income : If Kensington uses IFRS reporting, What amount is their adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by or (used in) operating activities?


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