Best practices for user domain security compliance

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133255467

You're a network administrator in charge of implementing IT security controls at XYZ, a large, publicly traded healthcare organization. Sean, your manager, just came out of a management meeting in which he had been given numerous tasks. He has asked you to help him complete this large assignment.

Your organization requires a set of documents outlining best practices for achieving security compliance throughout the IT infrastructure. To Sean's knowledge, these do not exist. Therefore, you will need to research IT user security best practices for meeting compliance and compile best practices for the User Domain at XYZ. Look for examples for large healthcare organizations. XYZ has 2,000 employees across 25 sites in the region; all sites occasionally host business associates, contractors, and temporary workers who work on the premises.

Based on this organizational scenario, complete the following tasks:

  • Research examples of best practices for User Domain security compliance with HIPAA in mind.
  • Determine how the best practices apply to the organization in the scenario.
  • Write a report addressing the tasks above. Include an introduction, summary sections for your findings and recommendations, and a conclusion section. You must cite your research properly so that your manager may add or refine this report before submission to senior management.

Reference no: EM133255467

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