Best-of-breed mobility solution

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Reference no: EM13676

Sales department just requested CIO approval for a best-of-breed mobility solution for their sales account executives and sales management. Since company does not yet have a defined mobility strategy the VP of Sales wants to move ahead with this solution. Your company is an SAP shop and has a policy of "Why Not SAP" which they apply to any non-SAP software purchase before approval. You just got handed this project to do a quick review of SAP's mobility offering to understand what SAP has and be able to answer the question "Why Not SAP?" She wants a quick evaluation to understand what it is, how our organization could benefit from a mobility strategy based on SAP for Sales and beyond. Write a two page Executive Briefing to your CIO on the topic of SAP's Unwired Platform. State up front your role in the real or fictional organization that you are representing.

  • Compelling opening statements
  • Description of exactly "What is it" (in understandable terms)
  • What are the stated benefits of the tool?
  • What business issues does this address?
  • What value can it add to our organization?
  • What will it take to implement?

Reference no: EM13676

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